1 radian is equal to 2.062648062471E+14 nanoarcsecond, or 206264.8062471 second. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between nanoarcseconds and arcseconds. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units!
However, POSIXct is implemented as a double with fractional seconds since the epoch. Given the 53 bits accuracy, it leaves just a bit less than microsecond resolution. Furthermore, using floating-point arithmetic for an integer concept opens the door to painful issues of error accumulation. More...
STREAMER CORONA PLASMA TO FLUE GAS DeSO_2/DeNO_x WITH A SEMI-WET FLOW (desulfuration and denitration) can solve the problem of the high voltage nano-second short pulsed power supply: a short time life, expensive device, ... LiHong,JiangXuedong - International Conference on Gas Discharges &...
params.timeout –Number of seconds until CouchDB closes the connection. Default is 60. params.heartbeat –Whether CouchDB will send a newline character (\n) on timeout. Default is true.nano.info([callback])Fetch information about the CouchDB cluster:const...
1f, orange curve) exhibits prominent fluctuations lasting from milliseconds (see below) up to seconds, well beyond the 3σ interval of the calibrated measurement noise, which includes shot noise and technical noise (Fig. 1f, blue-shaded area; see details in Supplementary Fig. 7). PL blinking ...
tau =0.55\,\textrm{ms}, and the measurement number N=50000, one can achieve the error \Delta \,T/T\approx 10\% with the laboratory time \Delta \,t\approx 0.55\,\textrm{s}, which is eminently feasible since a single gas sample may have a lifetime of several seconds [55,56,57]....
We show that the method can track unlabeled dielectric particles as small as 20 nm as well as individual () - 4.6 megadaltons in size - at rates of over 3 kHz for durations of tens of seconds. Our setup is easily incorporated into common optical microscopes and extends their detection ...
In that era most computer clocks were driven by the power grid and wandered several seconds per day relative to UTC. As computers and the Internet became ever faster, hardware and software synchronization technology became much more sophisticated. The Network Time Protocol (NTP) evolved over four ...
Jetson Orin Nano andNVIDIA®Jetson™Board Support Package (BSP) provide many features related to power management, thermal management, and electrical management. These features deliver the best user experience possible given the constraints of a par...
DateTimeException is thrown when select operation with entity that contains java.time.LocalTime is performed between 12am and 1am (00:00-01:00) error message: Invalid value for NanoOfSecond (valid values 0 - 999999999): -329000000 java.t...