该工作近日发表在Nano Letters。南京大学化学化工学院黄硕教授为该论文唯一通讯作者,南京大学硕士生欧阳羽升和博士生王可凡为该论文共同第一作者。 原文(扫描或长按二维码,识别后直达原文页面,或点此查看原文): Simultaneous Identification of Vitamins B1, B3, B5, and B6 by an Engineered Nanopore Yusheng Ouyang#,...
as increased reactivity of the metal anode, dendrite growth, electrolyte evaporation, and side reactions at the anode–electrolyte interface. In recent years, both domestic and international research progress on metal-CO2batteries has undergone a comprehensive review, including the key reaction mechanisms,...
Letters Mini Review Viewpoints 投稿指南 https://researcher-resources.acs.org/publish/author_guidelines?coden=nalefd 投稿模板 https://pubs.acs.org/page/nalefd/submission/authors.html#TEMPLATES 参考文献格式 https://publish.acs.org/publish/author_guidelines?coden=nalefd 编辑信息 Co-Editors A. Pau...
Nano-Micro Letters 最新在线文章— 综述:一维宏观纳米碳纤维的组装和力学性能 论文概述碳纳米管和石墨烯具有较好的力学性能和柔韧性、高电导、高热导等一系列优异特性,将纳米碳材料作为原材料,用于组装/制备...
Chapter© 2023 Room temperature chemiresistive gas sensors: challenges and strategies—a mini review Article19 August 2019 New Applications of Conductometric Gas Sensors: Quo Vadis? Chapter© 2023 1Introduction Gas sensor is a transducer that converts the interaction between gaseous analyte and sensing...
Y Yoon,D Kim,JB Lee - 《Micro & Nano Systems Letters》 被引量: 26发表: 2014年 Imagining the Blogosphere: An Introduction to the Imagined Community of Instant Publishing "The Blogging Iceberg," a survey conducted by the Perseus Development Company (2003), found that two thirds of public web...
最近, 国立东华大学(中国台湾) 黄淑娟助理教授 ,阿卜杜拉国王科技大学 Vincent Tung 助理教授 ,加州大学洛杉矶分校 Richard B. Kaner 教授 合作在《 Nano Letters 》上以题为 Conducting Polyaniline for Antifouling Ultrafiltration Membranes: Solutions and Challenges 发表Mini Review。该综述 总结了与聚苯胺相关的超滤...
H. A Mini Review: Can Graphene Be a Novel Material for Perovskite Solar Cell Applications? Nano-Micro Lett. 2018, 10 (2), 27. https://doi.org/... EL Lim,CC Yap,MHH Jumali,... - 《Nano-Micro Letters》 被引量: 6发表: 2018年 A Review on the Role of Nano-Communication in Future...
2019年5月15日,美国化学学会期刊《纳米快报》(Nano Letters)在线刊发了题为“在热输运领域利用材料信息学发现目标热功能材料和预测未知热物性”的综述论文(Materials discovery and properties prediction in thermal transport via materials informatics: a mini-review)。该论文回顾了近几年,材料信息学应用于热功能材料...
Gray regions indicate the mapped part of the reads, whereas colored letters indicate soft-clipped bases (unmapped) which are the base-called tails, after trimming the adapter. (b) PolyA tail base frequency distribution (A: green, G: orange, C: blue, U: red) of cDNA standards sequenced ...