最近, 国立东华大学(中国台湾) 黄淑娟助理教授 ,阿卜杜拉国王科技大学 Vincent Tung 助理教授 ,加州大学洛杉矶分校 Richard B. Kaner 教授 合作在《 Nano Letters 》上以题为 Conducting Polyaniline for Antifouling Ultrafiltration Membranes: Solutions and Challenges 发表Mini Review。该综述 总结了与聚苯胺相关的超滤...
该工作近日发表在Nano Letters。南京大学化学化工学院黄硕教授为该论文唯一通讯作者,南京大学硕士生欧阳羽升和博士生王可凡为该论文共同第一作者。 原文(扫描或长按二维码,识别后直达原文页面,或点此查看原文): Simultaneous Identification of Vitamins B1, B3, B5, and B6 by an Engineered Nanopore Yusheng Ouyang#,...
2019年5月15日,美国化学学会期刊《纳米快报》(Nano Letters)在线刊发了题为“在热输运领域利用材料信息学发现目标热功能材料和预测未知热物性”的综述论文(Materials discovery and properties prediction in thermal transport via materials informatics: a mini-review)。该论文回顾了近几年,材料信息学应用于热功能材料...
The Optoelectronics study featured in Nano Letters draws parallels with the field of Optics. The studies tackled, which mainly focus on Nanowire, apply to Silicon as well. The journal connects the study in Condensed matter physics with the closely related area of Electron. Colloidal gold is a ...
Letters Mini Review Viewpoints 投稿指南 https://researcher-resources.acs.org/publish/author_guidelines?coden=nalefd 投稿模板 https://pubs.acs.org/page/nalefd/submission/authors.html#TEMPLATES 参考文献格式 https://publish.acs.org/publish/author_guidelines?coden=nalefd 编辑信息 Co-Editors A. Pau...
Nano-Micro Letters 最新在线文章— 综述:一维宏观纳米碳纤维的组装和力学性能 论文概述碳纳米管和石墨烯具有较好的力学性能和柔韧性、高电导、高热导等一系列优异特性,将纳米碳材料作为原材料,用于组装/制备...
Nano-Micro Letters纳微快报Kou L, Liu Y, Zhang C, Shao L, Tian Z, et al. (2017) A mini review on nanocarbon- based 1d macroscopic fibers: Assembly strategies and mechanical properties. Nano-Micro Lett 9: 9-51 (2017).Y. Liu, C. Zhang, L. Shao, Z. Tian, Z. Deng, C. Gao, ...
Nano-Micro Letters CSCD CSTPCD JCR:Q3 EI SCIE JCR:Q1 JCR:Q2 JST 中科院1区 CA PubMed 发文量 3,464 被引量 28,757 影响因子(2022) 0.589该刊主要报道纳米/微米科技相关的高水平研究成果或评论性文章,尤其从纳米到微米的自下而上的高水平原创性科技成果。上海交通大学出版社和Springer以SpringerOpen以...
- 《Nano-Micro Letters》 被引量: 4发表: 2018年 Market potential of nanoremediation in Europe – Market drivers and interventions identified in a deliberative scenario approach A deliberate expert-based scenario approach is applied to better understand the likely determinants of the evolution of the ...
Depending on their diameter, needles can be classified into nanoneedles, microneedles and millineedles. Owing to the scale effects of nano/micro/milli needles, different fabrication strategies and biomedical applications have been developed, as shown in Table1. In this review, we provide an overview...