Is there an equivalent docker container for 32bit applications? Anonymous April 27, 2017 No, Nano Server is 64-bit only and doesn't support WoW64 (running 32-bit applications on 64-bit Windows). Anonymous May 28, 2017 The comment has been removed Anonymous July 12, ...
In order to use this function on Windows the program must be launched from the command prompt (cmd). nanominer does not require any pools to be specified in the config file. If a pool (or list of pools) is not specified, nanominer will automatically use the pools on ...
desc allows you to control what gets displayed when you run :command {cmd} on a command defined as a Lua callback. Similarly to keymaps, it is recommended to add a desc key to commands defined as Lua functions. force is equivalent to calling :command! and replaces a command if one wit...
In some ways, NanoPi NEO (2) and NanoHAT are the more powerful equivalent ofWemos D1 Mini and shieldsbased on ESP8266, and I really like the design of both solutions. If you already own some Seeed Studio grove modules, you just need the NEO Hub, but Bakebit ...
Is there an equivalent docker container for 32bit applications? Dan Harman - MSFT 2017年4月27日 No, Nano Server is 64-bit only and doesn't support WoW64 (running 32-bit applications on 64-bit Windows). Anonymous 2017年5月29日 The comment has been removed Jan ...
Is there an equivalent docker container for 32bit applications? Dan Harman - MSFT April 27, 2017 No, Nano Server is 64-bit only and doesn't support WoW64 (running 32-bit applications on 64-bit Windows). Anonymous May 29, 2017 The comment has been removed Jan Ri...
desc allows you to control what gets displayed when you run :command {cmd} on a command defined as a Lua callback. Similarly to keymaps, it is recommended to add a desc key to commands defined as Lua functions. force is equivalent to calling :command! and replaces a command if one wit...
BetterLua.vim- Better Lua syntax highlighting in Vim/NeoVim Lua 文件位置 init.lua Neovim 支持从init.lua文件加载配置而不是通常的init.vim文件。 注意:init.lua文件是完全可选的。Neovim 仍然支持从init.vim加载配置。请记住,Neovim 的一些功能还没有 100% 暴露给 Lua 模块部分。
Example of an equivalent file for Monero: [RandomX]wallet= fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffrigName= rig1email= someemail@org Example of a minimum file for Monero: [RandomX]wallet= fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff...
Windows Terminal version (or Windows build number) 1.11.2421.0, Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18363.1679] Other Software No response Steps to reproduce When I connect to a linux server with SSH and I try to edit a file with a command line editor like nano or vim it is not possible to ...