在国际主流期刊Nature Cell Biology, Molecular Cell, EMBO Journal等发表论文100多篇, H因子41. 现任中国生物物理学会常务理事、膜生物学专业委员会主任、中国细胞生物学会常务理事、美国细胞生物学会国际委员会成员. 任FEBS Letters, Cell Research, JBC, Cell Death and Disease, Sci China Life Sci等期刊编委,...
In 1994 Tianjin Foreign Trade College was incorporated into Nankai University. In the past few years, to cater to demands of fast social economic development, the University has created various brand-new modes of running school which have extended its education far into all walks of life. In 19...
Kozlowski教授(University of Pennsylvania)和副主编席振峰院士(北京大学),与鲍红丽教授(中国科学院福建物质结构研究所)、宋秋玲教授(福州大学)、贾铁争教授(南方科技大学)、左智伟研究员(中国科学院上海有机化学研究所)、俞寿云教授(南京大学...
These included the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development (CASTED), Development Research Center of the State Council (DRC), Institute of Policy Management of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (IPM, CAS)andNankai University’sCollege of Economi...
Nankai University - People's Republic of China LTian@nankai.edu.cn Editor Assistant Cindy Zhao Nankai University - People's Republic of China cindyzhao7511@outlook.com Associate Editor Deqiu Chen University of International Business and Economics - People's Republic of China nkchendq200...
A key multidisciplinary and research-oriented university directly under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, Nankai University,located in Tianjin on the border of the sea of Bohai, is also the alma mater of our beloved late Premier Zhou Enlai. College of Chinese Language and Culture. Co...
Financial Engineering College in the city of Shenzhen, Research Institute in Yunnan Province, and the first American Confucius College in the University of Maryland, all of which reasonably form a multi-campuses pattern for comprehensive development. On the principle of "independent school-running and...
this year 19 years old, are come from China, I who Birmingham University goes to college need one to lodge the family to help me to pass 3 years time and they together, I in 2011.8.5 will arrive, I will be an open and bright person, hobby music, reading, the foreign culture, more...
Other articles where Nankai University is discussed: China: Education of China: The three outside Beijing are Nankai University in Tianjin, which is especially strong in the social sciences; Fudan University, a comprehensive institution in Shanghai; and