grid points in a region with a 10.0-km radius corresponding to the minimum\({L}_{b}\)in the seismogenic zone (point 3 in Fig.4f). Therefore, we believe that the resolution of our numerical model is sufficient for evaluating the occurrence patterns of great earthquakes and LSSEs. Although...
3b) and HFl (Additional file 1: Figure S1), from the BSRs using hydrostatic and lithostatic pressures, respectively, and assessed their differences (HFl − HFh)/HFh× 100 (Fig. 4a). We found the ratio (HFl − HFh)/HFh× 100 changed by approximately 4.8% on average (...
MMC 3. The individual (gray) and stacked (blue) time series of the displacement at GNSS stations along lines A–I (Fig. S1). The displacements are parallel component to the profiles, and the upward movement in this figure corresponds to the displacement to the trench direction. The time se...
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