Young girl opens "Feng shui" store in downtown Nanjing In the face of the reporter's doubts, the shopkeeper Xing Jingjing presented a business license in which "Yimingtang Environment Information Consultation Company" stands out. Xing explained that the store mainly offers the "consultation service...
As the role of the traditional concept of Feng Shui in China was not neglectable, however, local officials and elites of Nanjing city worried that the project may destroy the Feng Shui of the city, which may bring misfortune to local candidates in the Imperial Examinations, their future pro...
南靖土楼水乡水利风景区为国家水利风景区。 南靖土楼水乡水利风景区以九龙江西溪上游的船场溪支流为主线,沿江两侧景观为骨架。规划范围船场溪上游至树海瀑布,下游至亨阳湖,涵盖曲江支流。树海瀑布景区由花岗岩、火山岩组成陡峭俊奇山势地形,两岸高山峻岭,江流狭窄弯曲,百转千回;河道遍布怪石,象形叠趣;受热带季风气候影响...
中山陵是中国近代伟大的政治家孙中山先生的陵墓,它坐落在江苏省南京市东郊钟山东峰小茅山的南麓,西邻明孝陵,东毗灵谷寺,傍山而筑,由南往北沿中轴线逐渐升高,整个建筑群依山势而层层上升,气势宏伟。 1925年3月12日,孙中山在北京逝世,遵照他生前安葬在钟山的遗愿,灵柩暂停放在北京香山碧云寺内, 并决定在南京钟山修...
民国元年(一九一二年)一月一日当夜十时,孙中山先生在南京前清两江总督署举行中华民国临时大总统就职典礼。巫祯来先生考察中山陵 中山陵是中国近代伟大的政治家孙中山先生的陵墓,它坐落在江苏省南京市东郊钟山东峰小茅山的南麓,西邻明孝陵,东毗灵谷寺,傍山而筑,由南往北沿中轴线逐渐升高,整个建筑群依山势而层层上升...