Nanjing University Data Total number of students 36,711 Number of international students 3,082 Total number of academic staff 2,197 Number of international staff 1,190 Number of undergraduate degrees awarded 3,122 Number of master's degrees awarded 4,997 Number of doctoral degrees awarded 1,309...
金陵大学(Private University of Nanking),前身汇文书院(1888年),是美国基督教美以美会(卫斯理会,Methodist Church)1910年在南京创办的最早的一座教会大学。主要建筑有北大楼(原行政楼)、东大楼(原科学馆)、西大楼(原裴义理楼)、礼拜堂(现大礼堂)、图书馆等,以中国北方官式建筑风格为基调。2006年被国务院列为全国...
读音:美英 nanjing university基本解释 南京大学;南大 分词解释 Nanjing南京 university综合性大学 nanjing university是什么意思 nanjing university怎么读 nanjing university在线翻译 nanjing university中文意思 nanjing university的解释 nanjing university的发音 nanjing university意思是什么 nanjing university怎么翻译 nanjing un...
Nanjing University, which traces its history back to 1902, is one of China’s leading public higher education institutions. It is a member of the C9 League, a group of leading higher education institutions which are often likened to the US Ivy League or the UK’s Russell Group, and which...
南京大学,简称南大(英文名:Nanjing University,缩写NJU),坐落于中国江苏南京市,学校是国家举办的全日制普通高等学校,由教育部主管,并由教育部与江苏省人民政府共建。南京大学是教育部直属重点综合性大学,首批入选国家211工 - 热忱于20231130发布在抖音,已经收获
Nanjing University is one of the top public universities in Nanjing, China (Mainland). It is ranked #145 in QS World University Rankings 2025. No. 22 Hankou Road, Nanjing, CN Campus No. 22 Hankou Road Nanjing CN 210093 Open in Maps ...
Founded in 1902, Nanjing University is one of the oldest and most prestigious institutions of higher learning in China. With the motto of 'Sincerity with Aspiration, Perseverance and Integrity,' this university carries the spirit of constant striving for educational and academic excellence. In the ...
University in 1995 [...] 張若劍於 1987 年畢業於中國南京大學電機工程系,並在該校繼續專攻微波與電磁場技術,而於 1990 年取得該校的電機工程碩士學位 ;而後則在南美以美大學 (Southern Methodist University) 專攻固態電子,並於 1995 年取得該校的碩士學位。 [.....
She is from Nanjing University. 她来自于南京大学。 ParaCrawl Corpus I am a PhD candidate of the Nanjing University and my work is focused on renal transplantation. 我是南京大学的一名博士生,我的主要研究领域是肾脏移植。 ParaCrawl Corpus In Nanjing, the adjustment was mainly on Nanjing Un...