必应词典为您提供nance的释义,美[næns],英[næns],adj. 女人似的;搞同性关系的; n. 搞同性关系的男人; 网络释义: 南斯;南希;南施;
必应词典为您提供nance的释义,美[næns],英[næns],adj. 女人似的;搞同性关系的; n. 搞同性关系的男人; 网络释义: 南斯;南希;南施;
nance 英[næns] 美[næns] 释义 n. 娘娘腔的男人,男同性恋者 大小写变形:Nance 实用场景例句 全部 In 1974, Kissinger marriedNanceMarkenice. 1974的, 基辛格与南希·马金尼斯结婚. 互联网 Participatory budgeting and other forms of participatory gover -nancewill not deliver instant success....
南夕Nance超话,阅读数:513万、帖子数:3765、粉丝数:3233,南夕Nance 94 摩羯座新浪微博超话社区,微博上的兴趣社区。超话社区,超有话聊。
nance/næns/ 添加到生词本 英汉-汉英词典 n. 男人,男 性恋者 近义、反义、联想词 词 n. gay man,shirtlifter 联想词 ted翻晒;j字母j;ber比特误差率; 用户正在搜索 autohub,autohydrolysis,autohypnosis,autohypnotism,autoicous,autoignite,autoigniter,autoignition,autoimmune,autoimmune disease, ...
nance (næns) n. usage:This term is a slur and should be avoided. It is used with disparaging intent and is perceived as insulting. —n.Slang: Disparaging and Offensive. (a contemptuous term used to refer to an effeminate or homosexual male.) ...
The meaning of NANCE is an effeminate male —used as a term of abuse and disparagement.
nance [ nans ] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun Slang. Offensive.an effeminate male. Extremely Disparaging and Offensive.a contemptuous term used to refer to a gay man. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofnance1 First recorded in 1905–10; shortened from given nameNancy ...
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