She opened the window and, again leaning on the window sill, began watching the glass roof of the passage below in order to kill time. Muffat went staggering downstairs. His head was swimming. What should he say? How should he broach the matter which, moreover, did not concern him? He ...
a portrait of the actor Vernet--hung yellowing in the hot glare of the gas, and abust27of Potier, one of the bygone glories of the Varietes, stood gazing vacant-eyed from its pedestal. But just then there was a burst of voices outside. It was Fontan, dressed for the second act. He...
"No, by Jove," he said all of a sudden, "one's hair turns gray here. I--I'm going out. Perhaps we shall find Bordenave downstairs. He'll give us information about things." Downstairs in the great marble-paved entrance hall, where the box office was, the public were beginning to ...
had complained of a heavy feeling in his head and now seemed in for an atrocious sick headache. Toward four o'clock he said he would go upstairs to bed: it was the only remedy. After sleeping till tomorrow morning he would be perfectly himself again. His mother wasbent32on putting ...
Nana nearly always found her in bed. Even on the days when Satin went out to do her marketing she felt so tired on her return upstairs that she flung herself down on the bed and went to sleep again. During the day she dragged herself about anddozed145off on chairs. Indeed, she did ...