Supreme 继承了这一意志,本周带来一款教练夹克、一款卫衣、三款 T-Shirt、三款滑板,使用了 Goldin 的经典摄影作品《Misty and Jimmy Paulette in a taxi》、《Kim in Rhinestones》、《Nan as a dominatrix》。 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 据悉Nan Goldin x Supreme 2018 春夏联名系列将...
Misty and Jimmy Paulette in a taxi, 1991 Greer and Robert on the bed, NYC, 1982 For Nan, art is political so long as our lives are political. This came into sharp focus for her during the AIDS epidemic. Through the act of documenting her community, her photography became a compelling ...
© Nan Goldin Nan Goldin,Amanda at the sauna, Hotel Savoy, Berlin, 1993 Archival pigment print, 30 × 40 inches (76 × 101.6 cm), edition of 15 © Nan Goldin Nan Goldin,Misty and Jimmy Paulette in a taxi, NYC, 1991 Archival pigment print, 30 × 45 inches (76 × 114 cm), edi...
Misty and Jimmy Paulette in a taxi,摄于 1991 年的纽约 教练夹克 帽衫卫衣 短袖tee 联名滑板 关于Nan Goldin(南戈丁): 出生于 1953 年的纽约女性摄影艺术家 Nan Goldin(南戈丁),14 岁时便开始离家出走,混迹于纽约亚文化群体之中,与同性恋者、异装癖者、变性人们共同生活。也正式由于其有着这样的疯狂经历,...
《菲利普H与苏珊娜在安乐死俱乐部接吻(Philippe H. and Suzanne Kissing at Euthanasia)》,1981年。 5 《南和布莱恩在床上(Nan and Brian in Bed)》,1983年。 6 《南被施暴后的一个月 (NanOne Month After Being Battered)》,1984年。 7 《出租车中的米斯蒂和吉米·宝莱特(Misty and Jimmy Paulette in a...
“Misty and Jimmy Paulette in a taxi”, NYC (1991) -《The Ballad of Sexual Dependency》摄影: Nan Goldin “Nan and Brian in Bed,NYC”(1983)-《The Ballad of Sexual Dependency》摄影:Nan Goldin 从Reddit上的帖子以及Supreme 社区里那些极差的评价不难看出,他们也许真的需要上帝保佑。甚至随便一瞥脑残...
Misty and Jimmy Paulette in a taxi, NYC 1991 Kim in Rhinestones, Paris 1991(左) Nan as a dominatrix, Cambridge MA 1978(右) 单品一览 据悉Nan Goldin x Supreme 2018 春夏联名系列将于 3 月 29 日在 Supreme 纽约、布鲁克林、洛杉矶、伦敦、巴黎门店及线上店铺正式发售,而日本地区则要等到 3 月 31...
In the campaign, we see Debbie Harry sitting in the back of a car, accompanied by her dog and a selection of Gucci Blondies; the image is a subtle nod to one of Goldin’s most famous works, Jimmy Paulette & Misty in a Taxi, NYC from 1991. GALLERY TAGGED WITH Debbie Harry Nan Goldi...
《菲利普H与苏珊娜在安乐死俱乐部接吻(Philippe H. and Suzanne Kissing at Euthanasia)》,1981年。 5 《南和布莱恩在床上(Nan and Brian in Bed)》,1983年。 6 《南被施暴后的一个月 (NanOne Month After Being Battered)》,1984年。 7 《出租车中的米斯蒂和吉米·宝莱特(Misty and Jimmy Paulette in a...