Nan Fung Plaza - 南丰广场学生公寓 加入願望表 加入願望表,住宿有任何空缺、價格及優惠改動將會通知你。 HK$4,680/月起 長租 很受歡迎之住宿! 8之學生收藏這個物業 物業詳情 住宿的地點: 8 Pui Shing Rd, Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong,Hong Kong,999077...
將軍澳廣場座落將軍澳高尚住宅區,連接五座屋苑大廈,五分鐘步行距離內提供逾15,000個高尚住宅單位。兩層高的購物商場包羅萬有,匯聚了各式食肆、家居與時尚購物設施及學習中心,為將軍澳社區塑造全新生活。 關聯物業: 尚珩 沙田 豐連 屯門 Mount Nicholson 山頂
District:Tseung Kwan O Name of the street and the street number of the Phase:1 Lohas Park Road The website address designated by the Vendor for the Phase: WWW.LP6.COM.HK The photographs, images, drawings or sketches shown in this advertisement/promotional material represent an art...
将军澳广场座落将军澳高尚住宅区,连接五座屋苑大厦,五分钟步行距离内提供逾15,000个高尚住宅单位。两层高的购物商场包罗万有,汇聚了各式食肆、家居与时尚购物设施及学习中心,为将军澳社区塑造全新生活。 关联物业: LP10 将军澳 升荟 东涌 Mount Nicholson
It has come to our attention that there are several bogus websites including the addresses of and (the “Bogus Websites”) purporting to impersonate the websites of the Nan Fung Group (“our Group”) or claiming to be an affilia...