NAN FUNG GROUPGROUP MANAGEMENT TRAINEE PROGRAM 2023 Application Period: 3 Oct 2022 - 30 Nov 2022 Nan Fung is an “ancient but youthful force", with a long history and strong financial resources, while proactive in embracing innovations and leading the future. We are an ideal place for young ...
网络南丰集团 网络释义 1. 南丰集团 他的南丰集团(NanFungGroup) 在新加坡十亿美元级富豪黄廷芳 (Ng Teng Fong) 旗下的信和置业 (Sino Land)以及香港的丽新 …|基于2个网页
“In Time Of” programme is Nan Fung Group’s community initiative that connects people from all walks of life through social partnerships in sustainability, social design, and culture and arts.
Nan Fung Trinity (HK) Limited (“NF Trinity”) is the financial investment arm of Nan Fung Group (“Group”), focusing on multiple asset classes including public securities, structured products, private direct investments and private market funds. Nan Fung Group is a privately-held conglomerate ...
商标名称NAN FUNG GROUP 国际分类44-医疗园艺 申请/注册号50277167 商标状态驳回复审中 申请日期2020-10-09 初审公告期号0 初审公告日期- 注册公告期号0 注册公告日期- 专用权期限- 申请人信息 申请人名称(中文)南丰企业(香港)有限公司 申请地址(中文)香港中环德辅道中173号及干诺道中88号南丰大厦23楼 申请人...
国际分类:14类-珠宝钟表 服务项: 1401贵金属; 1402首饰收纳盒; 1403别针(首饰)、钥匙圈(小饰物或短链饰物); 1404表用礼品盒、电子万年台历、手表、台钟、手表专用盒、钟表; 基本信息 商标名称NAN FUNG GROUP 申请号50278673国际分类14类-珠宝钟表商标分类表 ...
About Nan Fung Life Sciences Nan Fung Life Sciences life sciences investment platform with a long-term capital commitment from the Nan Fung Group. Headquarters Location San Francisco, California, 94107, United States Suggest an edit Are you an investor? Submit your portfolio details now to be ...
INCHEON, South Korea and HONG KONG, July 19, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Celltrion and Nan Fung Group to establish Vcell Healthcare Limited to Develop and Commercialize Biosimilars in China
INCHEON, South Korea and HONG KONG, July 19, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Celltrion and Nan Fung Group to establish Vcell Healthcare Limited to Develop and Commercialize Biosimilars in China
商标名称 NAN FUNG GROUP 申请号 50253747 国际分类 43类-餐饮住宿 商标分类表 商标状态 商标无效 申请日期 暂无 申请人 南丰企业(香港)有限公司 NAN FUNG ENTERPRISES (HK) LIMITED 查看此申请人的商标分析报告 代理机构 中国专利代理(香港)有限公司 查看此代理机构下的所有商标 商标类型 普通商标 是否共有...