Of the 144041 characters on Anime Characters Database, 18 are from the 动画 Namu Amida Butsu! Rendai Utena.
Current Online Version: 2017 eISBN: 9780190681159 Find at OUP.com Google Preview Sign in Get help with access namu Amidabutsu. (C.namo Amituo fo;K.namu Amit’a pul南無阿彌陀佛). In Japanese, “I take refuge in the buddha Amitābha.” Chanting of the name of the buddha Amitābha as...
Namuamida Butsu! Rendai Utena 电视剧 / 动画 2019-04-08日本开播 想看看过简介 展开 The pain that everyone cannot escape when living: the living, old, sick, and death. The way to save it is through Buddhist enlightenment. At the end of a war, a prince who obtained the Buddhist ...
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歌曲名《Namu Amida Butsu》,由 The Street Carnations 演唱,收录于《Try It Out》专辑中,《Namu Amida Butsu》下载,《Namu Amida Butsu》在线试听,更多Namu Amida Butsu相关歌曲推荐,尽在网易云音乐
極楽愚息兄弟2021年3月10日 试听 出演艺人 愚 愚息兄弟 表演者 作曲和作词 Yuji Hakamata 词曲作者 Lotus Flower Blooming in Pure Land - EP Lotus Flower Blooming in Pure Land - EP 極楽 極楽