Current Online Version: 2017 eISBN: 9780190681159 Find at Google Preview Sign in Get help with access namu Amidabutsu. (C.namo Amituo fo;K.namu Amit’a pul南無阿彌陀佛). In Japanese, “I take refuge in the buddha Amitābha.” Chanting of the name of the buddha Amitābha as...
Of the 144041 characters on Anime Characters Database, 18 are from the 动画 Namu Amida Butsu! Rendai Utena.
Namuamida Butsu! Rendai Utena 电视剧 / 动画 2019-04-08日本开播 想看看过简介 展开 The pain that everyone cannot escape when living: the living, old, sick, and death. The way to save it is through Buddhist enlightenment. At the end of a war, a prince who obtained the Buddhist ...
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歌曲名《Namu Amida Butsu》,由 The Street Carnations 演唱,收录于《Try It Out》专辑中,《Namu Amida Butsu》下载,《Namu Amida Butsu》在线试听,更多Namu Amida Butsu相关歌曲推荐,尽在网易云音乐
極楽愚息兄弟2021年3月10日 试听 出演艺人 愚 愚息兄弟 表演者 作曲和作词 Yuji Hakamata 词曲作者 Lotus Flower Blooming in Pure Land - EP Lotus Flower Blooming in Pure Land - EP 極楽 極楽