NAMSUNGSHIPPINGCO.,LTDNINGBOREP'OFFICESHIPPINGSCHEDULEOFMAY,2011 SalesTel(0574):JupiterChen87315120,WalkChen87315061Fax:0574-87309580,87956500 VESSELVOYAGE 宁波仁川 ETAETDINCHON WMSROTTERDAM东映上海1070W/1070E WMSROTTERDAM东映上海1071W/1071E WMSROTTERDAM东映上海1072W/1072E WMS...
South Korea’s Busan Port is looking to Indonesia’s emerging market to increase its container volumes as more manufacturers shift production from China to South-east Asia. The port authority has been working with feeder operator Namsung Shipping to launch the Asian New Express, the domestic family...