Your LLC’s legal name needs to incorporate specific legal abbreviations to signify your business structure. These abbreviations, such as “LLC” or “L.L.C.,” denote that your company is a limited liability company, providing essential information to regulatory authorities, customers, and potentia...
Form a Delaware LLC Now Your LLC's name can have a huge impact on the success of your business. Your name will appear on all of your official documents, like contracts and tax filings, but also your branding and marketing. Below are a list of LLC naming rules that will allow your busi...
As you might expect, it's critical that you pick a name that is both commercial and appropriately symbolizes your company. It must be unique to your business and capable of expanding as your business grows. There are several factors that go on —how to come up with a business name, as ...
You will most likely want to structure your startup under an LLC or corporation; you will need to search at the secretary of state records to be sure your name will not be similar to other companies that are already registered. If the name is too similar to another business, the secretary...
Ready to register your MT LLC? Here are the steps you need to take, plus helpful tips and resources to make it easy. Read more.
It's tempting to have fun with your business name. However, keep in mind that when people see the name of your company for the first time, they do not have the background that you do. They know nothing about your business, how long you've been dreaming of it, and what kind of tho...
Need a business name that sounds like a billion bucks? I'm a Naming Expert. I name stuff for well-funded startups, celebrities and visionary entrepreneurs!
Business Naming Business naming is what your company is called. The process of business name development is not that distinct than product naming; however, it does have some additional lifting to do. Read more… A App Naming Apps are crucial to connecting with your customers. And while the ...
Business card Letterhead Envelope From$449 Save$149 Logo & Social Media Assets Dazzle customers with beautiful, custom-designed logo and social media assets that will help your brand shine. Logo Avatars for 3 platforms Headers for 3 platforms ...
These are the winners of our business name contests. Names are submitted through crowdsourcing and client choose a winner.