21. Aldehydes and Ketones: Nucleophilic Addition4h 56m 22. Carboxylic Acid Derivatives: NAS2h 51m 23. The Chemistry of Thioesters, Phophate Ester and Phosphate Anhydrides1h 10m 24. Enolate Chemistry: Reactions at the Alpha-Carbon1h 53m 25. Condensation Chemistry2h 9m 26. Amines1h 43m...
branchof thesamekind,thisnumberisindicatedbya prefix,suchasdi-,tri-,tetra-,usedwiththe nameofthealkylgroup. Thepositionofeachgrouponthelongest chainisgivenbynumbers. NamingHydrocarbons •ThefollowingfourIUPACrulesareapplied innamingthebranched-chainalkanes. 4.Whentherearemorethanonealkylbranchof thesame...
19. Reactions of Aromatics: EAS and Beyond5h 1m 20. Phenols55m 21. Aldehydes and Ketones: Nucleophilic Addition4h 56m 22. Carboxylic Acid Derivatives: NAS2h 51m Worksheet Carboxylic Acid Derivatives7m Naming Carboxylic Acids9m Diacid Nomenclature6m Naming Esters5m Naming Nitriles3m A...