I'm using sqlalchemy and am trying to integrate alembic for database migrations. My database currently exists and has a number of ForeignKeys defined without names. I would like to add a naming convention to allow for migrations that affect ForeignKey columns. I've added the naming convention...
I actually never thought of things that way but I already follow the plural tables convention. El ForumGuest #22 05-15-2009, 02:12 AM [eluser]Dam1an[/eluser] That was indeed a fine read, although I think you need some more grammer lessons Quote:"Sir, I would like a large ...
Unless otherwise noted, names can be entered in lowercase letters; however, the database manager processes them as if they were uppercase. The exception to this convention is character strings that represent names under the systems network architecture (SNA) which, as a communications protocol, i...
How-to: Oracle Database Naming ConventionsWhen designing a database it’s a good idea to follow some sort of naming convention. This will involve a little planning in the early design stages but can save significant time when maintaining the finished system.For a system that is built to be...
I won’t go into details here, but rather give a brief explanation of the naming convention I use when I do name these objects. Foreign keys.You should name them in such a manner that they uniquely and clearly describe what they are – which tables they relate. In our database, the ...
A naming convention is a systematic method for allocating names to things. This article describes the recommended method for establishing your naming conventions.
The convention is that the name of the plan should be the same as the name of the application program to which it applies. If multiple program DBRMs (Data Base Request Modules) are bound to a single large plan, or if one plan is composed of many packages, the name should be assigned...
Toavoidthissituation,wedecidedtocreatetheAutoSavedatabaseusingasimilarnamingconventionweuseto namemailfiles. 为避免发生这种情况,我们决定使用类似于用于命名邮件文件的命名约定来创建AutoSave数据库。 www-128.ibm.com 9. Thelistofdependenciesforthismodulefollowsanamingconventionthatwillbecomemoreclearinthe nextlisti...
Finally, Part 3 will address Naming Conventions for other database objects such as Foreign Keys, Procedures, Functions, and Views. Why You Should Use a Naming Convention Databases rarely have a small number of tables. In fact, it's not at all uncommon to have hundreds of tables. By ...
I found this site very interesting, but I was looking for the USN's naming convention for World War II. Charlie Lewis says he knows it, but I don't and would like to. For instance, I understand that LVT would stand for 'Landing Vehicle Tracked', but what does 'BB' for Battleship,...