Azure Naming Convention Hello 👋 and welcome to an example of an Azure naming convention which follows the Recommended Microsoft abbreviations, fully implemented in terraform-compliance in the az-terraform-compliance-policy folder 😄. This repo hosts the files needed to run a standard name and ta...
One of the most difficult things in IT is naming things. The same goes for choosing the correct naming convention to use when naming cloud resources in Microsoft Azure. Sure, you can name things pretty much anything you want, but if you’re not careful you’ll end up with a jumbled mess...
Load balancer health probe (utility) {PREFIX}_dbAlb-hp DEV-WEEU-SAP01-X01_dbAlb-hp Key vault (user) 24 {SHORTPREFIX}u{RND} DEVWEEUSAP01uX01xxx NetApp volume (utility) 24 {PREFIX}-utility DEV-WEEU-SAP01-X01_sapmntNote Disk numbering starts at zero. The naming convention uses a ...
Azure virtual machines have two distinct names: resource name and host name. When you create a virtual machine in the portal, the same value is used for both names. The restrictions in the preceding table are for the host name. The actual resource name can have up to 64 characters. Micros...
SAP Deployment Automation Framework uses a standard naming convention for Azure resource naming.The Terraform module sap_namegenerator defines the names of all resources that the automation framework deploys. The module is located at /deploy/terraform/terraform-units/modules/sap_namegenerator/ in the ...
Key vault (user) 24 {SHORTPREFIX}u{RND} DEVWEEUSAP01uX01xxx NetApp volume (utility) 24 {PREFIX}-utility DEV-WEEU-SAP01-X01_sapmnt Note Disk numbering starts at zero. The naming convention uses a two-character format; for example, 00. Azure region names The automation framework uses sh...
Microsoft.KeyVault 展开表 实体范围长度有效的字符 vaults 全局 3-24 字母数字和连字符。以字母开头。 以字母或数字结尾。 不能包含连续的连字符。 vaults / secrets 保管库 1-127 字母数字和连字符。 Microsoft.Kusto 展开表 实体范围长度有效的字符 clusters 全局 4-22 小写字母和数字。以字母开头。 /clust...
Azure 资源的缩写建议 - Cloud Adoption Framework Azure 资源的缩写建议 定义命名约定 - Cloud Adoption Framework 了解命名 Azure 资源和资产的注意事项,并查看 Azure 中资源和资产的示例名称。 为Azure 资源开发命名和标记策略 - Cloud Adoption Framework 阅读有关企业云采用工作的资源命...
Key vault (user) 24 {SHORTPREFIX}u{RND} DEVWEEUSAP01uX01xxx NetApp volume (utility) 24 {PREFIX}-utility DEV-WEEU-SAP01-X01_sapmnt Note Disk numbering starts at zero. The naming convention uses a two-character format; for example, 00. Azure region names The automation framework uses sh...
Load balancer health probe (utility) {PREFIX}_dbAlb-hp DEV-WEEU-SAP01-X01_dbAlb-hp Key vault (user) 24 {SHORTPREFIX}u{RND} DEVWEEUSAP01uX01xxx NetApp volume (utility) 24 {PREFIX}-utility DEV-WEEU-SAP01-X01_sapmntNote Disk numbering starts at zero. The naming convention uses a ...