The name Lena is ofGreek, Hebreworigin and meansBright, shining light or torch., Light, Pledge, Bright One, Moonlight, Variant of Helen, Palm Tree, Sun-ray and Moonlight, Torch, A devoted one, Tender, Woman of magdala, To be present in latent. It is often used as a Female name an...
Excellent Plain Jane and Average Joe Baby Names Updated:November 9, 2023byOlivia Mittak|Leave a Comment Sometimes, you just want a baby that blends in with the crowd. In a day and age when many parents […]
Choose from the vast collection of baby girl names. It is a desire of parents to assign a good girls name to their little angel. Now, you do not need to go anywhere else to view girls names. The knowledge or information about girl names with meaning, gender, origin, and other key det...
Also an angel name after Oriel, the angel of destiny in the liturgy “Malache Elyon” Variants: Orriel and Oriyel Raven Origin: Old English gender-neutral name Meaning:“Black bird,”“dark-haired,” or “wise” Pronunciation:“ray-ven” Length: 5 letters, 2 syllables Popularity...
Ray Raymay be short for Raymond. It may also be a narrow beam of light, a straight line emanating from a point, a type of flower, or any of 16 other definitions. This one may look simple, but it’s versatile. Britt Look to the northeastern Atlantic for the meaning of the wordBritt...
Where some common flower names come from and what they rhyme with (in case you'd like to write a rhyming couplet).
Meaning: Sun ray Alternative Spellings & Variations: Alina, Elaina, Elena, Eliana Famous Namesakes: Swedish singer/songwriter Elina Stridh, Ukrainian tennis player Elina Svitolina Peak Popularity: Elina didn't step into the limelight until 2018, when it ranked No. 1,000 for baby girls. In 2020...
These vampire names and their meanings make for interesting female or male fantasy character names as well as baby girls' or boys' names.
A to Z Baby Girl Names, A to Z Baby Boys Names. Currently we have 1817 Boys Names and 2708 Girls Names with Meanings in our Swedish collection. Total collection of 4525 baby names
The flower daisy was named eye of the day because it opens in the morning with the sun and closes again at night. 66. Dawn Dawn is an OldEnglish girl’s namethat means the period between darkness and sunrise. In the U.S., 15,681 baby girls were named Dawn in 1971, but since the...