you probably don't want to give them a last name that means "snake in the grass" or "backstabber." The same would go for a character that starts out good but becomes the villain as the story goes on. You don't want to give away the plot twist!
Find list of Names that means Snake Flower, This tool helps you in discovering lists of names that have specific meanings, for naming your baby with a name that has a similar or desired meaning.
Nuru: This Swahili name means “light” or “brightness” and is a beautiful option for a baby girl. Tumelo: This Tswana name means “faith” and is a strong choice for a baby boy. Names from the Americas Amaru: This Quechua name means “serpent” or “snake” and is a powerful choic...
Each name on our list offers its own starry charm and could be the ideal moniker for your little one. We hope you've found what you’re searching for, whether it's a boys’ or girls’ name that directly means “star,” a name from a constellation, or a gender-neutral name that hol...
Snake (蛇) –Shé Horse (马) –Mǎ Sheep (羊) –Yáng Monkey (猴) –Hóu Rooster (鸡) –Jī Dog (狗) –Gǒu Pig (猪) –Zhū Feel free to get creative with these names by combining them with other meaningful words or ideas. For example, you could use: ...
You may find that some names have different explanations. My daughter Belinda found three different meanings for her name in different books. The first gave the meaning“snake or serpent-like”; the second,“grace”; and the third,“beautiful or pretty”. Guess which meaning Belinda prefers!
We have already mentioned the baptismal name of this ancient chief; but in his conversation with Natty, held in the language of the Delawares, he was heard uniformly to call himself Chingachgook, which, interpreted, means the “Great Snake.” This name he had acquired in his youth, by hi...
The name“Boyd”means“yellow hair”. Once upon a time there must have been a Boyd with yellow hair. You may find that some names have different explanations. My daughter Belinda found three different meanings for her name in different books. The first gave the meaning“snake”or“serpent-...
You may find that some names have different explanations. My daughter Belinda found three different meanings for her name in different books. The first gave the meaning“snake or serpent-like”; the second,“grace”; and the third,“beautiful or pretty”. Guess which meaning Belinda prefers!
Serpent (Latin) –“Snake” Solanine (Gothic andEnglish) –“Poison found in the nightshade (a plant)” Turaya (Arabicgirl name) –“Star” Wren (OldEnglishboy name) –“A small bird” Gothic NamesThat Mean “Moon” Ascelin (Gothic andFrenchgirl name) –“Of the moon” or “noble”...