The International Astronomical Association is the body that names objects in the solar system. They named each moon of Uranus after a Shakespeare character. One of the moons in orbit around Uranus is called Ophelia, who appears in Hamlet. 92. Phoebe An AncientGreek name, Phoebe, means bright....
In Greek mythology, Brontes was one of three cyclops brothers who were the children of Uranus, the sky, and Gaia, the Earth. Brontes, along with his siblings, was responsible for making Zeus his thunderbolt. 14. Caelus Caelus isa Roman namemeaning sky. This name has the same root as the...
Perdita (Latin)–“Lost”; a moon of Uranus Phoebe (Greek) –“Shining”; a moon of Saturn named after the Titan goddess of bright intellect and prophecy in Greek mythology Rosalind (German name)– Name that means “Rose” (lovely rose); a moon of Uranus Styx (Greek) –“Shuddering”...
Description: One of Uranus’ moons Moon Names Starting With P 1. Pamuya Origin: Hopi (Native American) Meaning: Water moon Description: Girl name 2. Pensri Origin: Thai Meaning: “Full moon” or “beauty of the moon” Description: Girl name 3. Perdita Origin: Latin, Hispanic,...
A moon of Uranus is named after the character. Umbriel Continued Umbra Origin: Latin Meaning: "shadow" Umbra Continued Silhouette Origin: French surname Meaning: "shadow outline" Description: Étienne de Silhouette (1709–67), French author and politician, gave his name to this portraiture ...
Latin – The Roman name for the Greek god of the sky, or Uranus. He was one of the twelve Olympians, son of Hyperion and Theia, brother of Leto and Coeus. 89. Xisuthrus Greek – (the name for) a legendary Sumerian king who saved all living things from a worldwide deluge. ...
Since then the task of discovering Uranus' moons has fallen to theHubble Space Telescopeand improved ground-based telescopes. This is no mean feat as these bodies are extremely dark, "blacker than asphalt" according to NASA, are located 1.8 billion miles (2.9 billion km) away from the sun,...
The Furies were born out of the blood that was spilled during the castration of Uranus. Technically, the Furies are children of Uranus and Gaia, the gods of heaven and Earth. The Furies were often draped in black, with wings and snakes for hair. They were a terrifying sight to behold ...
as their planets: Uranus (天王星;ten’nousei), Neptune (海王星;kaiousei), and Pluto (冥王星;meiou).3But unlike their Inner system cohorts, their names lack the same kind of wordplay that Ms. Takeuchi is famous for. Unless she really wanted Setsuna’s last name toliterally mean ‘Hades....
ULYSSES: "wrathful" URANUS: Latin form of Greek Ouranos, god of the sky or heavens. URIAN: "from heaven" VANKO: "gracious gift" VASILIS: "regal." Variants include Vasileios, Vasos, Vasyl, Vasylko, and Vasyltso. XANTHUS: myth name of a river god XUTHUS: myth name of a son of Helen...