Names That Mean Love Names That Mean Miracle, Heavenly, or Divine Names That Mean Moon Names That Mean Mother or Father Names That Mean New and New Beginnings Names That Mean Noble Names That Mean Peace Names That Mean Protector, Defender, or Guardian ...
Often, hippie baby names relate to nature, love, or peace - and those are beautiful things that can promote positivity in your little girl’s life..
1.Ai. If you’re looking for a Chinese orJapanese girls’ namethat means “love,” Ai gives you both. In Chinese, this name is pronounced IE and means “love, affection” or “friendly, lush,” while in Japanese, it’s pronounced A-EE and means either “love, affection” or “indig...
Names that mean peace Food baby names Names that mean miracle Common Spanish names Gender neutral names Cute boy names Cute girl names See all All Baby Name Lists Popular Black baby names Names from outer space Celebrity baby boy names
If you're expecting a baby boy and wish to instill in him a sense of love, compassion, and affinity for all living things, select a boy name that means love.
Baby boy names that mean peace Axl The name Axl has Hebrew and Scandinavian origins. It is said to come from the Hebrew name Absalom, meaning "man of peace" or "father of peace." Of Scandinavian origin, this hip and timeless name is more commonly spelled with an e: Axel. Singer Fergie...
Dawud (Arabic and African) –Name that means “love”(beloved) and a variation of “David”; can also be spelled as “Dawoud,”“Daud,” and “Daoud” Habil (Arabic) –“Breath”; variant of theHebrewbiblical name“Abel” Haroun (Arabic) –“Exalted” or “high”; variation of “Aaro...
Strong Baby Boy Names That Show Power Strong Baby Girl Names: With Powerful Meanings 11. Barış Barış isa Turkish namethat means peace. The correctly written form of Barış is with the Turkish dotless i and the S-cedilla. The Persian word, بارش, is pronounced ba...
Soothing Names Meaning Peace Innocent Blessing Names Powerful Names That Mean Dragon: Boys & Girls 21. Elatha Elatha may have been a moon god in Irish Mythology. In ancient Irish mythology, Elatha was a king of the Fomorians, a supernatural race, often depicted as hostile. The imagery used...
7. Kendra, pronounced as “ken-drah”, is another girl’s name that has a meaning related to being “greatest champion” and inspired from the Old English meaning a “bold power” or “royal power”. 8. Wilfreda is a unique girl’s name that means “desiring peace”, “longing for ...