That which is proper or becoming. decennary noun (n.) A period of ten years. noun (n.) A tithing consisting of ten neighboring families. decennovary adjective (a.) Pertaining to the number nineteen; of nineteen years. deceptivity noun (n.) Deceptiveness; a deception; a sham. deceptor...
One who, or that which, leaps. noun (n.) A kind of hooked instrument for untwisting old cordage. leapfrog noun (n.) A play among boys, in which one stoops down and another leaps over him by placing his hands on the shoulders of the former. leapful noun (n.) A basketful. lear ...
In New York City, where nearly 200 different languages are spoken, the names people go by aren’t always as common as John, Mary, Jane or Steve. For those with less common monikers, mispronunciations of their names may come as frequently as train delays. Although this issue can be just ...
“Tin Star,” as Jim Worth, an ex-undercover UK cop turned police chief of a small town in the Canadian Rockies. Season three will premiere in 2020. He previously starred in the series “Lie To Me,” as Dr. Cal Lightman, a researcher who pioneered the field of deception detection, ...
Frank himself could have stayed on board one of the ships in comparative safety as a shore party of sailors and Royal Marines stormed the German defences, but that wasn’t his style. Armed with two pistols, a cutlass and several hand grenades, Frank shouted ‘Come on, you boys,’ and ...
The family-owned bodegas keep on closing, replaced by artisanal cupcake shops and overpriced organic grocery stores whose customers hurry past the homeless and the flowers laid on street corners for Black boys shot by the cops。 Some people go their whole lives in New York shutting their eyes ...
One who, or that which, leaps. noun (n.) A kind of hooked instrument for untwisting old cordage. leapfrog noun (n.) A play among boys, in which one stoops down and another leaps over him by placing his hands on the shoulders of the former. leapful noun (n.) A basketful. lear ...