Mbaby names and what they mean, with276results. The most trendy baby names among these areMateo(#37),Matias(#201),Matteo(#196),Maverick(#73)andMilo(#178), while Ma(TOP 1%)and Mahan(1%)are common M- last names. Here is the list ofM- names for girls. ...
Even More Girl Names That Start With M The Bottom Line While awaiting your new arrival, there’s nothing more exciting than choosing a name to fit your baby girl. If you’re drawn to girl names starting withM, or perhapsMnames run in your family, we’ve got some great choices of beau...
Boy Names starting with UHome Boy Names Boy Names starting with U Are you looking for baby boy names starting with U? Explore a wide range of unique baby names and their meanings, perfect for your newborn boy, or even your new family cat or dog!
Marlisa [Marlyssa, ..], Marlise [Marlis, ..], Marlo [Marlowe▲, ..], Marmara [Marnya, ..], Marni [Marnya, ..], Marquise [Marquisha, ..], Marsala [Marsalla], Marseilles, Marsha▼ [Martia, ..], Martha▼ [Mirtha, ..], Martina [Marty, ..], Martinique, Marvell [Marvelyn, ...
Laura is a hauntingly evocative perennial, never trendy, never dated, feminine without being fussy, with literary links stretching back to Dante. All this makes Laura a more solid choice than any of its more decorative counterparts and one of the most classicgirl names starting with L. ...
Through the centuries, Maria remains one of the most widely-used girl names starting with M. Maria Continued Mary Origin: Hebrew or Egyptian Meaning: "drop of the sea; bitter; beloved; love" Description: Mary is the English form of Maria, which ultimately was derived from the Hebrew ...
Baby names starting with the letter F Click on the baby names listed to see the name meaning and more information like origin, gender, where the baby name is used and by which languages, pronunciation and other useful information, to help you choose your
Mexican Boy Names Starting With H Hasen Origin: From the Mazateco indigenous community; also an Arabic boy name Meaning:“Soul,”“good-mannered,”“virtuous,”“gentle,”“goodly,”“handsome,” or a name that means “beautiful” Pronunciation:“hahs-ehn” Length: 5 letters, 2 syllables ...
Pug Names Starting with M Mac - Mag Macbeth MacMillon Madison Maduro Maggie Magic Magic Magna Magnolia Magnum Mah - Map Mahogany Maili Maisie Rain Majestic Major Mandy Mango Manny Maple Mar - May Marcus Marigold Marilyn Marley Mason Matilda Max Maximillion Maximus Maxine Maxwell Maxx Maya Mc - ...
Nature Names Starting With E Eilidh Origin: Gaelic girl name Meaning: “Radiant one” or “radiant sun” (also a name that means “sun”) Pronunciation: “ay-lee” (silent “d”) Length: 6 letters, 2 syllables Popularity/Rank: 1,000+ Namesakes/Description: British track and field...