Choosing theperfect namefor your puppy can be difficult, especially if you’re not the only one who has a say in the matter. I must have offered up nearly 100 names to my family before we decided on Luca for our puppy. Even if you don’t have picky family members, you have trouble ...
Supratik Cupid Supratim Beautiful image Supriya Beloved Sur A musical note Suraj The sun Surajit God Surakshith Safe Suranjan Pleasing Suren Lord Indra Surendra Lord Indra Suresh Lord Indra Surdeep Lamp of music Surin Wise, learned Suru Multi Talented Person Surya The sun Suryabali As power as...
KandarpaCupid KandavelGod Murugan KanhaLord Krishna KanhaiyaLord Krishna KanhaiyalalLord Krishna KanikAn atom KaninakYouth KanishCaring KanishkaName of a king KanishtaYoungest KanjLord Brahma KanjamLotus KannanLord Krishna KanrajLord Ganesh KantimoyLustrous ...
MannathA vow to a deity MannithChosen ManjeetConqueror of the mind ManjunathHusband(Lord Shiva) of Lord Parvathi ManmathaCupid ManmohanPleasing ManoharOne who wins over mind ManojBorn of the mind ManonithCarried by the mind ManothBorn of the mind ...
6. Cupid Origin: Latin Meaning: Passionate desire Description: He’s known as the Roman god of attraction, desire, and erotic love. In most artwork, he is depicted as a small, child-like person with wings, carrying a bow and arrow. He is said to use his arrow to make people fall...
Madden is of Hindi origin meaning "Cupid." 645. Marvin Marvin is of English origin and means "Beautiful sea." 646. Elio Elio is both Italian and Spanish and means "Sun." 647. Krew Krew is a boy's name of American origin, derived from the word "crew," meaning “a group of pe...
It helps us to express our love also. Shishio – the scary lion Eden – bliss, paradise, joy Eros – Cupid, the Romans Cupid Pit – a sworn enemy Oleg – sacred, holy Pavel – modest, younger, insignificant Roman – Roman, from Rome, Roman Ruslan – lion; light brown Sergey – a ...
Rati Consort of cupid Rathika Satisfied Ratna Precious stone Ratnamaala String of Pearls Rathna Pearl Ratnabala Jewelled Ratnabali String of pearls Ratnajyoti Lustrous jewel Ratnalekha Splendour of jewels Ratnali A jewel Ratnamala String of pearls Ratnangi Jewel-bodied Ratnaprabha Lustrous jewel Ratn...
99.Eros. Here is the name of the Greek god of love (and son of Aphrodite), known as Cupid in Roman mythology. He is known for his wings and signature bow and arrow, which he uses to make people fall in love. Eros and Cupid are often associated with Valentine’s Day. ...
Cupid – Roman god of desire and love Echo –Mountain nymph in Greek mythology Hercules – Greek god of strength and heroes Jove – Roman god of the sky and king of the gods; another name for “Jupiter” Jupiter – Roman supreme god Lir – Irish god of the sea Mars – Greek god of...