noun(n.) One of the lobes of the placenta in ruminating animals. capitulumnoun(n.) A thick head of flowers on a very short axis, as a clover top, or a dandelion; a composite flower. A capitulum may be either globular or flat. ...
windpipenoun(n.) The passage for the breath from the larynx to the lungs; the trachea; the weasand. See Illust. under Lung. windrownoun(n.) A row or line of hay raked together for the purpose of being rolled into cocks or heaps. ...
A plant whose seeds divide into two seed lobes, or cotyledons, in germinating. formedon noun (n.) A writ of right for a tenant in tail in case of a discontinuance of the estate tail. This writ has been abolished. hecatompedon noun (n.) A name given to the old Parthenon at ...