doi:10.1524/stuf.1978.31.jg.73W.W.SCHUHMACHERDe GruyterStuf Language Typology & Universals
Hawaiian name generator for male and female characters. 1000's of combinations are possible, you're bound to find one you like.
Place names in the Hawaiian Islands reveal a transformation from being reflections of Hawaiian geographic discourse to being encoded within Western approaches to knowledge, commodification of the environment, and control of territory. In the course of this transformation, the language/order of the native...
What kind of volcanoes are the Hawaiian islands? Which Hawaiian island has the most active volcanoes? The Hawaiian volcanoes are good examples of what type of volcanoes? Where are the volcanoes in Hawaii located? What volcanoes are around the Pacific Ocean?
Hawaiian names are known to be unique and beautiful, just like the islands themselves! Check out our list of the best Hawaiian girl names and their meanings.
It’s the name of one of the islands in Hawaii, and is also known as the “Garden Island.” Kaulana This Hawaiian boy name means “famous.” The name is pronounced as “kow-LA-na.” Keahi This Hawaiian unisex name means “fire” (the fire). It comes from the combination of “ke”...
The green sea turtle is the principal marine turtle species in the Hawaiian Islands. Common names used in the Hawaiian Archipelago include honu, green turtle and green sea turtle. They are herbivorous, feeding primarily on seagrasses and algae. This diet is thought to give them greenish-colored ...
This is a table of default villager names. Please note that the following list is based off on an ongoing experiment with the naming system of the game and therefore it is incomplete! Villagers are named at the age of two. The names are based off of diff
The Mediterranean Seas is home to hundreds of islands. Some of these islands have played important roles in the history of the region, such as Crete which was once home to the mighty Minoan Civilization. Other islands are known for their beauty and tourist amenities, such as Corfu....
Native American names come from many diverse tribes and landscapes, including the Hawaiian islands. Because of this diversity, naming traditions tend to vary as well. A few names of places or tribes, such as Dakota and Cheyenne, have seen some popularity over the years, but most Native names...