garretingnoun(n.) Small splinters of stone inserted into the joints of coarse masonry. ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH GARRET (According to last letters): Rhyming Words According to Last5Letters (arret) - English Words That Ends with arret:
dactylnoun(n.) A poetical foot of three sylables (-- ~ ~), one long followed by two short, or one accented followed by two unaccented; as, L. tegm/n/, E. mer6ciful; -- so called from the similarity of its arrangement to that of the joints of a finger. ...[0]="head_pan";//[1]="l_gripper_l_finger_joint";//[2]="l_gripper_r_finger_joint";//...这里部分代码省略... 纯净天空
Neck joints can be Bolt-On, a Set Neck, or Neck-Through. Each type has advantages and disadvantages. Bolt-On is the most prevalent type. Headstock Parts Headstock parts Nut : made from plastic or bone, this routes the strings down the neck, and is one of the things that determines...
Momoko’s hobbies include imagining and thinking while taking a bath. Her specialties, meanwhile, include finger waves and playing the kazoo. Watch her introduction video with English subtitles here: 26. Oki Fuka 19-year-old Oki Fuka was born on September 02, 2001. She’s 157cm tall and he...
Chopart’s Fracture-- Fracture dislocation involving the midtarsal joints in which there is superior dislocation of the navicular and cuboid bones on the talus and calcaneus BACK to TOP Galeazzi Fracture-- Fracture of shaft of radius associated with dislocation of distal radioulnar joint- BACK to ...
To separate the joints of; to separate, as parts united by joints; to put out of joint; to force out of its socket; to dislocate; as, to disjoint limbs; to disjoint bones; to disjoint a fowl in carving. verb (v. t.) To separate at junctures or joints; to break where parts are...
A small quantity of wine and water, which is used to wash the priest's thumb and index finger after the communion, and which then, as perhaps containing portions of the consecrated elements, is drunk by the priest. abluvion noun (n.) That which is washed off. abnegation noun (n.) a...
The functional toes of the hind foot are even in number, and the third digit of each foot (corresponding to the middle finger in man) is asymmetrical and paired with the fourth digit, as in the hog, the sheep, and the ox; -- opposed to Perissodactyla....