In this lesson, learn about arm anatomy. Understand arm muscle names and groups, including the upper arm muscles and the forearm muscles.
Thehip flexorsare a group of muscles that bring the legs and trunk together in a flexion movement. They are not technically abdominal muscles, but they dofacilitate movementsduring several ab exercises. The muscles that make up the primary hip flexors are: Psoas major Illiacus Rectus femoris P...
The muscles of the appendicular skeleton attach to the arms, legs, shoulders, and hips. The chest muscles are part of the thorax and pectoral region. The thorax is the region of the body between the neck and the abdomen. The thorax contains skeletal muscles and smooth muscles. S...
In America they are called squids. See Squid. clamant adjective (a.) Crying earnestly, beseeching clamorously. clamation noun (n.) The act of crying out. clamatores noun (n. pl.) A division of passerine birds in which the vocal muscles are but little developed, so that they lack ...
gorillanoun(n.) A large, arboreal, anthropoid ape of West Africa. It is larger than a man, and is remarkable for its massive skeleton and powerful muscles, which give it enormous strength. In some respects its anatomy, more than that of any other ape, except the chimpanzee, resembles that...
But our back extension machine, despite the name, does more than just train your back: it’s also great for your toning your legs and buttocks. Alternatively, you can train the lower back muscles using a traditional back extension bench or exercises such as deep knee bends. But people who...
Experienced weight lifters, especially those in competition, understand the importance of symmetry between the chest and back muscles. While the chest fly enhances cleavage and definition in the front of the body, the rear delt row balances the muscle groups by working the upper back and rear sh...
Calvin - immature in a naive way, drives a Gemini. Cameron - Australian. Big muscles. Carl - horny. bastard, who can't sing. Carlo - dark and brooding, for some unknown reason girls seem to like him! Carson - fun to be around and really sensitive. Chad - cute, sensitive and very ...
Perforating veins of the thigh carry blood from thethigh musclesand drains into thedeep vein of the thigh, which is also known as theprofunda femoris vein. This also terminates in the femoral vein, which in turn becomes the external iliac vein. ...
It is larger than a man, and is remarkable for its massive skeleton and powerful muscles, which give it enormous strength. In some respects its anatomy, more than that of any other ape, except the chimpanzee, resembles that of man. granadilla noun (n.) The fruit of certain species of ...