The following men’s names of Indian origin made up the top 10 in the United States in 2021. If you’re looking for a popular Indian name that’s also relatively common for your little boy, the perfect option may just be on this list! 1.Amir. Meaning “commander, prince” in Arabic,...
1.By the authority of:Open up in the name of the law! 2.For the reason of; using as a reason:grisly experiments performed in the name of science. to (one's) name Belonging to one:I don't have a hat to my name. [Middle English, from Old Englishnama; seenō̆-men-inIndo-Eur...
Avyaan is a name of Indian/Hindu origin and is a figure related to Ganesha, the Hindu god of beginnings and good luck. 714. Cal Cal is of Hebrew origin whose shorthand style encompasses a fiercely loyal spirit. 715. Keith Keith is of Irish and Scottish origin meaning "from the battle...
New 2025, 10000+ Indian baby names and Hindu baby names arranged letter wise with meanings. Popular, modern, religious and ancient Indian names
Hindu baby boy names, Baby boy names, Indian baby boy names 2025 Jagan = Universe Jagadbandu = Lord Krishna Jagadeep = Light of the Universe Jagadhish = Lord of the Universe Jagadev = lord of the Universed Jagajeet = Conquerer of the Universe ...
Modern Indian Boy Baby Names dictionary starting with letter 'S' and their meanings in a simple and easy to navigate format. The list comprises of Unique boy baby names for alphabet 'S' that are popular across the world. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W ...
the father of a son, sometimes including his entire name. In addition, if a first name is gender neutral, the second name can help to identify the gender assigned at birth. Most Sikh baby names are gender-neutral until paired with a religious name: Kaur for women and Singh for men. ...
Cool baby names come in many varieties and we've got lists for every kind of cool name. Our lists of cool names include badass baby names for boys and geezer names for girls, hipster baby names and modern hero names, plus dozens of other collections of cool names for girls and boys. ...
Pronunciation & Spelling:Is it easy to pronounce and spell? A really complicated name is going to become the cause of problems in pronunciation during the lifetime. Future-Proofing:Will this name ring good into the ear of a grown-up person now? A cute baby name might not be able to do...
Modern Indian Boy Baby Names dictionary starting with letter 'N' and their meanings in a simple and easy to navigate format. The list comprises of Unique boy baby names for alphabet 'N' that are popular across the world. A B C D