Twitter Google Share on Facebook U·ni·ted States A·dopt·ed Names (USAN), (yū-nī'tĕd stāts a-dopt'ĕd nāmz), Designation for nonproprietary names (for drugs) adopted by the USAN Council in cooperation with the manufacturers concerned; the designation USAN is applicable only to ...
Two immunotherapy drugs for previously untreated CLL, obinutuzumab and ofatumumab (in combination with standard chemotherapy) Two molecularly targeted drugs for treatment-resistant or relapsed CLL, ibrutinib and idelalisib "These new therapies fill an enormous need for thousands of patients living with CLL...
Chemotherapymodulating agents are a class of drugs used to treat asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic metastatic castrate-resistant (hormone-refractory)prostate cancer. The only drug that belongs to this class is “sipuleucel-T,” anautologous, personalized cellularimmunotherapy(a type of vaccine) created...
transplantation or implantation into patients. Derivatives including stem cells and stem cells (such as ectomesenchymal, embryos from blood, or umbilical cord blood of the above products), cancer vaccines and immunotherapy products (such as ...
BCG(bacillusCalmette-Guérin) live bacterial vaccine that protects againsttuberculosis(TB) is also used asimmunotherapyin treatingbladdercancer. The vaccine stimulates the immune system to attack the cancer cells. BCG vaccine is derived fromMycobacteriumboviswhich is similar toMycobacterium tuberculosisthat ...