Hindu God Names Lord Ganesh :Ganesh, or Ganesha, is one of Hinduisms most popular deities. He is the first born son of Shiva and Parvati, and the 'consort' of Buddhi (also called Riddhi) and Siddhi. * A B C D E F G H
2Om Sri Ranga Nayakyai NamahaLord Of Gods 3Om Vishnu Chithadhmajayai NamahaOne Who Bestows Prosperity 4Om Sathyai NamahaOne Who Has A Bow In His Hand 5Om Gopieshadharayai NamaThe God Who Wears The Crescent Moon In His Hair 6Om Devyai NamahaThe God Who Is Pleasing And Auspicious In ...
New 2025, 10000+ Indian baby names and Hindu baby names arranged letter wise with meanings. Popular, modern, religious and ancient Indian names
If you include nicknames, official titles and honorifics, some gods have hundreds of names! The Godchecker Holy Database currently contains 33 Hittite deity names— these are listed below. This list is frequently updated — we are constantly discovering more names! Names from Hittite mythology:...
If yes, your search ends here. You can find the best, attractive and spiritual baby name online at BabyNamesCube. This site makes it possible to findHindu baby namesby gender, by alphabet and by names of Hindu gods and goddess. Moreover, you can search an ideal name by birth month ras...
Surajborn of the gods in Sanskrit.Hindu SimbaLion; LeonineHindu SharvilLord KrishnaHindu SagarWise One; From the Sagebrush Plant; Surname; Sea; Ocean; Pond; Name of the 2nd ChakravartiHindu SushantGod; QuietHindu SatyamHonestyHindu Hindu Boy Names Starting With S ...
Hence, many devotees of Sri Hanuman like to chant his 108 names, mantras, devotional songs such asHanuman Chalisaor even have their babies named after him. Therefore, here is aList of Hindu Baby Names based on Lord Hanuman For Both Boys and Girls. ...
Image of the Hindu goddess DurgaClay image of the Hindu goddess Durga created for Durga Puja, a festival dedicated to her, Kolkata. According tolegend, Durga was created by thedevas, the male gods of the Hindu pantheon, to slay thebuffalodemon Mahishasura (Sanskritmahisa, “buffalo,” andasur...
New 2025, 10000+ Indian baby names and Hindu baby names arranged letter wise with meanings. Popular, modern, religious and ancient Indian names
Brahma, and that all reality has its ultimate repose. Hindu Dharma, as a philosophy, as well as a religion, is thriving towards this reality known as Brahman, both consciously and exclusively. He is one of the trinity gods of Hindu dharma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva being the other two....