After the death of the high priest Simeon the Righteous, forty years prior to the destruction of the Temple, the priests ceased to pronounce the Name (Yoma39b). From that time the pronunciation of the Name was prohibited. "Whoever pronounces the Name forfeits his portion in the future ...
27 Unlike the other high priests, he does not need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people. He sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself. 28 For the law appoints as high priests men in...
For the present, it needs to be said that the name El bears not only the connotation of might, but also the idea of the transcendence of the Deity. If the name El was a general term for the divinity in the thought of the peoples of the Bible Lands and Middle E of antiquity, the ...
Preston is of English origin, meaning “priests’ town.” It represents a place of religious significance or a town historically linked with the clergy, symbolising spiritual leadership and guidance. ADVERTISEMENT 24. Quentin Quentin is a name of Latin origin, meaning “fifth.” Historically, it ...
Sometimes one English word is not a complete translation of a word in another language, and Agim is such a word. The full meaning is rather poetic: The time when the sun comes to us early in the morning. 4. Albert Albert isa German namemeaning noble and bright. ...
The New Testament is the second half of the Bible. It begins with the calling of John the Baptist, follows the ministry of Jesus Christ, and details the rise of the Early Church. In the first four books of the New Testament, Jesus travels with twelve disciples who were called to serve ...
One of the veins of the neck when swollen with anger or other excitement. noun (n.) A priest or presbyter; as, Prester John. presternum noun (n.) The anterior segment of the sternum; the manubrium. priestery noun (n.) Priests, collectively; the priesthood; -- so called in contempt...
Also a biblical name after one of Jesus’ 12 disciples (known as the author of “The Book of Mark” in the Bible’s New Testament) Variants: Mattiyahu (Hebrew name) and Matt Michael Origin: Hebrew and Old English boy name Meaning:“Who is like God?” or “a gift from God” Pr...
Choosing a name for your baby can be an exciting, stressful, terrifying, and happy of course. What are the top names people are choosing for babies in New York State in 2023? There are countless ways people go about selecting a baby’s name, from traditional methods to more unique approac...
This is an alphabetical list of the names of God as found in the King James Bible (KJV). If you would like an updated list (over 650 names) with their Bible references included, please see our book,The Names of God. This page is copyrighted material and may not be duplicated in any...