The FDA-approved of uses of gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonists include the following: Infertility treatment in adult women, administered as subcutaneous injections at the appropriate phase of the cycle to achieve ovulation Management of moderate to severe pain from endometriosis in adult women, ad...
Estrogen derivatives work by reducing elevated levels of reproductive hormones inpostmenopausalwomen, which include gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) from thehypothalamus, and follicular stimulating hormone (FSH), andluteinizing hormone(LH) from thepituitary gland. Estrogen derivatives may be combined with...
“It’s important to note that severe hepatitis in children remains rare. However, we encourage parents and caregivers to be aware of the symptoms of hepatitis – particularly jaundice, which is a yellowing of the skin or eyes – and to contact their child’s healthcare provider with any con...
"John had his injections every three months and it kept things under control," said Mary, 75. "We didn't even tell people he was ill as we didn't think we needed to. "Then after about six years a bone scan revealed his spine was affected by the cancer. He became very tired an...
Estrogen stimulates the growth of the endometrium, the inner lining of theuterus, while progesterone prepares it for implantation and pregnancy. Progesterone also stimulates the growth of breast tissue, readying it for lactation. In the absence ofconception, the hormone levels fall, leading to menstru...