Joyce et al. (2004) explored difficulties associated with converting a large number of traditionally used names to phylogenetically defined ones and provided an internally consistent nomenclature for the most important crown and total groups of turtles that evenly implemented the “crown group...
Owners of Canada’s media are listed below in alphabetical order. Clicking on the name of the owner will give you a list of the publications and broadcast outlets which they own. Note that this is not a complete guide to media cross-ownership because parent companies may use several ...
In advancing to one scientific name for fungi, this paper treats genera competing for use in the phylogenetically defined class Leotiomycetes except for genera of Erysiphales. Two groups traditionally included in the so-called “inoperculate discomycetes
Since the coronavirus outbreak began to spread worldwide in the early months of 2020, English speakers have been coming up with new names for the disease at a rate of knots. The myriad unofficial synonyms for COVID-19 that we currently have at our dispos
get to name them. Californians got the naming rights to some of the elements of the periodic table while the Arabs got to name vast majority of thestars in the Cosmos. In modern western astronomy, most of the accepted star names are Arabic, a few are Greek and some are of unknown ...
Summarizing the taxonomical pirouettes of spirulina, one can conclude that three groups of organisms are distinguished at present: Spirulina spp.—12 species with the type strain Spirulina subsalsa; Arthrospira spp.—about 35 species with the type strain Arthrospira jenneri; Limnospira spp.—4 speci...
Many Christian communities have interpreted Adam's naming of the animals as divine sanction for human domination of creation. Alternatively, Jacques Derrida, after being seen naked by his small housecat, reads this Genesis narrative as differentiating both God and animals—in symmetrical or coincident...
Toponymic research in Singapore over the past 20 years has sought to categorize Singapore’s place names, especially street names, into viable groups and, subsequently, analyze naming trends of Singaporean toponymy. The following section documents three of these notable studies and assesses the strengt...