In this blog post, we’ll look at the huges list of Gods’ names that define both God and Jesus, exploring their meanings, significance, and how they deepen our connection to our Father and creator. Plus, enjoy a few some hands-on Names of God crafts and printable activity ideas to mak...
I placed a long list of 95 names of God from Psalm 18 below, but four of my favorite names found therein are: My Rock; My Shield; I am God who flies swiftly on the wings of the wind to rescue you. I am God who sends out arrows and scatters them to do My bidding. You see ...
The dominant card game of the era was Piquet. A dubious legend attributes that game to the knight who gave his name to the jack of hearts, LaHire, Etienne de Vignolles (1390-1443) nicknamed La Hire-Dieu (the Wrath of God) by friends and foes alike. In Constant Leber's compilation ...
Exclusive Bonus:Get a complete printable name list hereand never be stuck for names for your fish again! Famous Fish Perhaps you’d like to name your fish after the some famous fins? Here are a few suggestions of fish that have starred in movies: Pairs of Names If you’re buying your ...
Here are 101 useful or fun websites with easy to remember names. We put this list together for those times when your bored and looking for something new to explore. Those who've visited before can find a list of updates at the bottom of this page.
Luke has 77 names, thenumber of forgiveness— from Jesus to Adam, “the son of God.” The names after David differ from that of Matthew’s genealogy due to another method of tracing the lineage of Jesus. Interestingly, these names recorded by Luke (from “David” on) donotform a names...