Table of Contents —Biblical Data: YHWH. Elohim. El. Shaddai and 'Elyon. Adonai and Ba'al. Ẓeba'ot. —In Rabbinical Literature: The Name. Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh. The Seven Names. Cabalistic Use. Divine Names in Print. —Biblical Data: Like other Hebrew proper names, the name of God ...
of sorts holds that "shaddai" is to be traced, not to the Hebrew, but to an Accadian word that means "mountain" so that the expression produces a meaning like, "'El, the One of the mountains." If so,El Shaddaihighlights God's invincible power. Or, the name may point to his ...
The most commonly known name of God in Hebrew is represented in the Latin alphabet asYHWH. In Hebrew, this is יהוה, Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh. It is also known as the Tetragrammaton, the Unutterable Name, and the Ineffable Name. This is the name that is given the highest degree of...
The Names of God Bible restores more than 10,000 occurrences of specific names of God--like Yahweh, El Shadday, El Elyon, and Adonay--to help readers Discover the Hebrew names of God within the biblical textUnderstand the meaning and significance of each nameEncounter God in a new way ...
BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE NAMES OF GOD Hebrew: --- English Meaning Elohim --- God - The One and Only True God Yahweh:--- LORD - He that is who He is, The eternal I AM Adonai:--- Lord - Master El Shaddai --- God Almighty - The All-sufficient ...
English words such as God, Lord, or LORD, The Names of God Bible restores the transliterations of ancient names—such as Yahweh, El Shadday, El Elyon, and Adonay—to help the reader better understand the rich meaning of God’s names that are found in the original Hebrew and Aramaic text...
This application gives the list of Hebrew names of God and their detailed meanings and derivations. For each name, it also gives: - The number of occurrences in the Bible. - The verse where it was used for the first time - The variant spellings of the name - All other uses of the ...
AbelBoyHebrewBreath; son; breathing spirit... AbellBoyHebrewExhalation of breath. The seco.. AbhyGirlHebrewGives joy AbiaBoyHebrewVariant ofAviah: My father .. AbiahBoyHebrewVariant ofAviah: My father .. AbichailGirlHebrewGives joy AbielBoyHebrewGod is my father ...
(Find more about the names of God in Hebrew here from the late Dr. Adrian Rogers, and here in Praying and Pronouncing the Names of God by Dr. Tony Evans.) My purpose in this how-to guide is threefold: to show you as many of the names of God in everyday English as I can; to ...
Yahweh means “The Lord” – Yahweh is derived from the Hebrew word for “I AM,” it is the proper name of the divine person, coming from the verb which means to “exist,”“be.” When God told Moses to go to Pharaoh and to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses was scared. He...