The most beautiful names of God from the Bible! Discovering unique names of the loving God of the Bible is incredibly fulfilling, enriching and beneficial! In most Bible translations, the original Hebrew and Greek names of God are simplified to "God" or "Lord". More than 30 of these wonder...
The Bible uses many names of God and name carries specific meaning and power. If you need some extra reassurance today, find hope in these powerful names of God and understand what they mean in your life today.
God(Elohim[yihl\a],Eloah[;H/l\a],El[lea]). The subject of the Bible's first sentence is God (Gen 1:1).Elohim[yihl\a],El[lea], andEloah[;H/l\a] are from related roots.El[lea] (God) is a generic Semitic designation for deity. Judged by Canaanite usage at Ras Shamra/Ug...
One of the best ways to get to know God on a deeper level is to know the names and titles both he and his people give to him. Now the bestselling author of "Praying the Names of God" reveals the richness of God's character and love found in his names. The Names of God Bible ...
Whether having walked with God for many years or just starting out in a relationship with Him, by the end of this study women will not only know more about God but will know Him better—because through the discovery of God’s names, they will discover Him!Components for this six-week ...
English words such as God, Lord, or LORD, The Names of God Bible restores the transliterations of ancient names—such as Yahweh, El Shadday, El Elyon, and Adonay—to help the reader better understand the rich meaning of God’s names that are found in the original Hebrew and Aramaic text...
The 72 Names of God, based on three verses from the Bible, is one of the oldest and most powerful Kabbalistic tools. Moses used it to split the Red Sea and you…
Names Of God, Part 2 God shows us His character and who He is by revealing His Names. In this series, we will learn the Names Of God and why they are so important. One of my favorite things to study is the names of God. In the Bible, God reveals His character and who He is ...
belongingtoGod:Lovelyname!Alexander Defenderofmen:Thisnamealwaysmakespeople’sbabynamelists,becauseitexistsinnearlyeverycultureandlanguageinsomeform.Luke luminous;white.MorepeopleneedtobenamingtheirchildrenLuke,it'safabulousname.EverylittleboywouldlovetoshareanamewithLukeSkywalker!Gabriel Defenderofmen:Gabeisagreat...
People’s names in the ancient world did more than simply distinguish one person from another. They often conveyed the essential nature and character of a person. This is especially true when it comes to the names of God recorded in the Bible. The book Praying the Names of God: ...