Think of the drugs that have changed our world. Viagra (sildenafil) ended the secret shame of erectile dysfunction--and at the same time offered a treatment for it. Lasix (furosemide) was one of the first diuretics or water pills, vital to the treatment of hypertension and heart failure. ...
In males, atestosterone blood testmay be done to help diagnose infertility, erectile dysfunction, low libido, and more. In females, a testosterone blood test can help diagnose the cause of excessive hair growth (hirsutism), abnormal menstrual periods, hair thinning, and more.10 Aprogesterone bloo...
Progestins are hormonal medications used for contraception and in the treatment of many menstrual disorders such as abnormaluterine bleeding, lack ofmenstruation(amenorrhea), andendometriosis. Progestins are also used aspalliative treatmentin advanced stages of certain cancers including endometrial, renal, ...
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) agents are medications prescribed to manage ADHD symptoms such as lack of attention,hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior. ADHD medications work on thecentral nervous systemto improve concentration and reduce impulsive and hyperactive behaviors. ADHD medications w...