The drums, of course, are the heart of many musical styles. The snare drum provides sharp, crisp accents, while the bass drum provides the powerful low-end pulse. The tom-toms offer a range of tones in between. Beyond drums, we have a vast range of instruments such ...
testimonialadjective(a.) A writing or certificate which bears testimony in favor of one's character, good conduct, ability, etc., or of the value of a thing. adjective(a.) Something, as money or plate, presented to a preson as a token of respect, or of obligation for services rendered...
Alt. of Antitoxine antitoxine noun (n.) A substance (sometimes the product of a specific micro-organism and sometimes naturally present in the blood or tissues of an animal), capable of producing immunity from certain diseases, or of counteracting the poisonous effects of pathogenic bacteria. ...
That was evident from the guests at his Lancashire Rocks: Chorley Music and Youth Culture in the Noughties exhibition launch event at Chorley Library on Saturday, the assembled guests getting a brief ‘in a nutshell’ stroll down the path – more a ginnel really, given the territory – of lo...
Whoever is in charge of events at Rome's Capitol Theatre must be a classic rock fan, and we're definitely not complaining.
As a metal fan, what I love about this band is they indeed capture a very pagan vibe, with very old pagan music instruments – such as horse skin drums painted in human blood, deerskin drums, human bones, deer bones, buffalo horns, rattles with human ashes, Hindu ritual bells, and Mong...
Harriet the Spy has a wonderful reissue of Unfuckwithable, through Solid Brass. Jamie played the drums in that band, but is better known to most as the Impressario behind Earthquaker Devices. As well as the Party of Helicopters, Relaxer, etc. There is much talk of touring, revisiting older...
In a new interview with Australia's Wall of Sound, Slayer legend Kerry King was asked what one Black Sabbath album he would take with him if the planet was being blown up and everyone had to get on a spaceship to evacuate. In other words, he named his favorite by metal's godfathers....
“Into The Lungs of Hell”, a triumphant instrumental track that includes layers of horn, flute, and percussion samples at its beginning before hard transitioning into the shredding guitars and blistering drums we all know Megadeth so well for. Other incredibly fast and heavy tracks such as “...
We all constantly give and accept criticism from each other, so all of us have a say in a little of everything, but we do have specialties. I handle most of the guitar and bass, Liam handles most of the vocal arrangements and synthesizers, and Fletcher holds down the drum set. We spl...