If you are looking for Indian baby girl names, below is a Hindu and Sanskrit girls' name list for your reference: Baby Girl Names inspired by Bollywood Movies and Celebrities Are you a movie buff looking for some modern baby girl names? Here is list with thenames of your favourite celebrit...
AvantiAncient city of Ujjain AvantikaPrincess, Queen AvasaIndependent AvatharaGodesss in human reflection AvikaSunrays AvinashiIndestructable AvinashikaIndestructable AvishiEarth, River AvisyaDesire AvanijaGodess Parvathi AvniThe Earth AvnitaThe Earth ...
Transliteration of Foreign Names Transliteration is the common way used to name a foreigner in China. It’s based on the sound of the name in the original language and not on the meaning of the name. The present US ambassador in China Max Baucus named 马克斯.鲍卡斯 in Chinese is translated...
KashikBrilliant, Another name for the city of benaras, Balaji KashinathLord Shiva KashiprasadBlessed by Lord Shiva KashyapName of a sage KasinShining Kathithwell recited KatranWell Learned KaulinFrom a noble family KaunteyaSon of Kunti KausarLake of paradise ...
Search through the list of names released. Page loads 10,000 domains in a batch. Click Next or Previous to navigate through the batches. Previous Next Note: All paid orders will be submitted on the day of the release. We will notify you of the outcome of your order shortly after. ...
98.Kasi.Kasi is commonly used by Telugu and Tamil speakers in southern India. It's a form of the name Hindi name, Kashi, which comes from the name of a holy city in India, now known as Varanashi. It has the beautiful meaning of “shining.” ...
Jakarta, the name of the capital and largest city of Indonesia, is located on the island of Java. Both Jakarta and Java could make interesting and unusual choices for a girl. Jakarta Continued Agung Origin: Bahasa Meaning: "the great" Description: This name may be "great" in Bahasa (the...
ANOTHER BONUS – Who knew Australia was also a monster of a country!So here’s the states of Oz for you as well!India: 印度, yìn dù. “The degree of printing”Singapore: 新加坡, xīn jiā pō. “Newly added slope”Vietnam: 越南, yuè nán. “More south” Due to Vietnamese ...
As a boy name, Singh can be used which means Lion in Sanskrit, hence Singapore –“City of the Lion.” So the origin of this is in India. You can use Singh as a title, middle name or surname. It derives from the word for lion, and later it was used as a title by the several...
The world’s largest earthen dam: Hirakud Dam has been constructed on the Mahanadi river near the Sambalpur city in Odisha. Behind the Hirakund dam is a 55 km long Hirakud reservoir that forms one of the longest artificial lakes in Asia. Kaveri: 800 KM Kaveri or Cauvery is the largest...