Ever since GTA Online was released, citizens of Los Santos have had the freedom to assign any name to their CEO organization. But it seems like Rockstar Games is now blocking controversial names, specifically after the release of the Bottom Dollar Bounties update....
UPDATE:Some of the cars, if not most, now have sample pictures. If you want to compare the real vehicles to the GTA ones, I suggest going to a site likehttp://www.gtavehicles.com/so you can compare the pictures. I couldn't do this for all vehicles because my expertise is in cars...
I've thought about this as well. Not only names of places and people, but minor things too - many of the songs featured in the games include references to various consumables and vehicles and locations. Hollywood, Spyker cars, and Miami are some of the ones off the top of my head. uni...
All decompiled .ysc game scripts as of GTA V build 2612 (GTA Online 1.59 • Next Gen Patches), including native tables. - GTA-V-Decompiled-Scripts/all_script_names.txt at master · boazvdwansem/GTA-V-Decompiled-Scripts
Gillet Vertigo 5 Spirit While the market may have changed over the past couple of years, what hasn’t changed is their disposition towards bringing us some of the best cars in the world. Sure, they’re no longer the leaders in terms of sales or quality, but that doesn’t mean that ...
FSA SPY The FSA Spy market buzz – 7 February 2025 Foxy currency trades; Vanguard takes out the slasher; Tariff predictions in a glass darkly; China’s electric cars; The rise of the robots; Geopolitics and war; The annual Superbowl and much more.View...
Lombard Odier has appointed Omar Shokur as regional head for Asia, private clients as of 1 March 2025. In this capacity, he will also be CEO for the subsidiary in Singapore, subject to regulatory approval. Shokur (pictured) will oversee the region’s private clients division, pursuing and ...
Sentinel= BMW 5 series Vincent= BMW 7 series (E24) Intruder=Subaru Legacy GTA3Freak-2001 Members Joined: 11/25/2001 Run out of Cake. PostedSeptember 28, 2005 Well it would be better if you just posted in the other topic posting the corrections or additions you've compiled. That way the...
Centrum Wealth, the wealth management arm of financial services group Centrum, has named Sandeep Das as its CEO. Based in India, Das’ responsibilities include driving overall business strategy and growth, strengthening relationships with existing clients, enhancing customer experience, adopting newer tech...
So a while ago I was living in central florida in a commercial office space I rented off Craigslist. Shit was rough for a nigga after going through a divorce and losing my homes and cars and shit. So in the process of getting back on my feet, I started filming porn in my office spa...