Le boeuf beef Le porc pork (note that the “c” is silent) Le veau veal Le chevreuil venison Le sanglier boar Le lapin rabbit Un steak steak Un steak tartare raw ground meat + seasonings La viande hachée ground meat Un rôti a roast Les abats offal / organ meat – more in my ...
These days, Brent spends most of his time being a small business owner. He’s a manager who watches over the finances, schedules the meat, and has newfound enthusiasm for Excel spreadsheets (his girlfriend taught him– “I’m kind of retarded”). Beef is the bulk of their business. “B...
A foundational part of New Orleans cuisine, a po'boy sandwich is typically made with either roast beef or fried seafood in the middle, lettuce and onion, and other fixings, and, most importantly, New Orleans-style French bread with a perfect crust-to-fluff ratio. The sandwich was supposedly...