If you asked Mr. Olympia President Dan Solomon who hisfavorite bodybuilderis, he would point to Cutler as one of the most influential of this generation. Given the rich history of the sport, Cutler sat down to discuss who he believes should be regarded as an all-time great. ...
noun(n.) An extended portion of land or water; a stretch; a straight portion of a stream or river, as from one turn to another; a level stretch, as between locks in a canal; an arm of the sea extending up into the land.
An effective biceps exercise, like Scott curls, for example, should be part of every fitness or bodybuilding training plan. Training your bis with the Ntaifitness biceps machine has clear advantages over free weights. With a few isolation exercises for the anterior muscles of your upper arm, yo...
The great sea, as distinguished from an arm, bay, etc. ; the high sea; the ocean. verb (v.) The continent, as distinguished from an island; the mainland. melain noun (n.) The dark coloring matter of the liquid of the cuttlefish. midmain noun (n.) The middle part of the main ...
Shavasana: Corpse pose (usually performed at the end of a yoga class) Supta Konasana: Reclined angle pose Supta kurmasana:Sleeping tortoise pose Supta Padanghustasana:reclined big toe pose Suptavajrasana: Reclined fixed-firm pose Core Exercises ...
(2) As "possessor of heaven and earth," the most high God has and exercises authority in both spheres: (a) the heavenly authority of <El Elyon> ( Dan 4:35,37; Isa 14:13 - 14; ); (b) the earthly authority of <El Elyon> (Deu 32:8; 2 Sam 22:14 - 15; Ps 9:2 - 5; ...
Exercises that target the obliques includebicycle crunchesand opposing leg-to-arm mountain climbers. Internal Obliques The internal oblique muscles are a pair of deep muscles that are just below the external obliques. The internal and external obliques are at right angles to each other. ...
died that day.” That’s some pretty specific recall. Ultimately, 20 subjects qualified for the HSAM group and another 38 went into the ordinary-memory category. Both groups were then tested for their ability to resist developing false memories during a series of exercises designed to implant ...
skeinnoun(n.) A quantity of yarn, thread, or the like, put up together, after it is taken from the reel, -- usually tied in a sort of knot. noun(n.) A metallic strengthening band or thimble on the wooden arm of an axle.
maidannoun(n.) In various parts of Asia, an open space, as for military exercises, or for a market place; an open grassy tract; an esplanade. oppidannoun(n.) An inhabitant of a town. noun(n.) A student of Eton College, England, who is not a King's scholar, and who boards in ...