nite characters names Fortnite names Fortnite names Fortnite Names generator coming to this website, we can say with confidence that you will not be disappointed to return here because many times we have the names of our choice or the names that are in our mind, we want to ...
Looking for lists of baby names for a little boy? Here you'll find lists of classic and unusual names for boys, lists of boy names from around the world, and boy names lists organized by meaning, image, and style. Among the most popular boy names lists are Attitude Names for Boys, Bo...
Searching for the best girl cat names for your adorable fur baby? Look no further because we’ve listed 620+ name ideas for you to choose from, including options for exotic names around the world. Many pet parents choose names that suit the personality or color of their new cats, such as...
The East Indian name of the chick-pea (Cicer arietinum) and its seeds; also, other similar seeds there used for food. noun (n.) Alt. of Gramme adjective (a.) Angry. grogram noun (n.) Alt. of Grogran hectogram noun (n.) A measure of weight, containing a hundred grams, or about...
Wildcard characters can be used to help with word games like crosswords and scrabble where only some of the letters are known, or you have to find an anagram, or with spelling. Definitions include synonyms and antonyms which allows the dictionary to also serve as a thesaurus. The speech func...
noun(n.) One of two characters [], used to inclose a reference, explanation, or note, or a part to be excluded from a sentence, to indicate an interpolation, to rectify a mistake, or to supply an omission, and for certain other purposes; -- called also crotchet. ...
Old names are fairly in now, but they still sound homely, some more than others. %0D Gladys, Hortense, Agatha, Ethel. Edith, Maude, Norma, they're all pretty bad.%0D %0D I get the feeling that there are going to be a fair amount of poor girls named "Hermione (sp?)", after ...
The Marvel Universe contains some of the greatest fictional characters of the 20th and 21st centuries. And then it also includes these weirdos, misfits, and losers. Armless Tiger Man Marvel Armless Tiger Man This Golden Age Marvel antagonist lost his arms in a machine accident, then dedicated hi...
Take, for example, Boston's professional baseball teams. In the National League the Beaneaters have been known by eight nicknames and in the American League by six. They include rocks, clothing, birds, insects, and all sorts of people. The litter of icons looks like the contents of some ...
In spite of being one of the most widely recognized sex symbols of the mid-20th century, Mansfield's ability to nail characters who were not necessarily indicative of her real-life persona was incredibly impressive. During her short life, she thrived in several instances where she played the ...