prefixal-suffixal formationword-formationThis article deals with the prefixal-suffixal substantive lexical units found in names of uninhabited places on the territory of Bohemia. A majority of the lexical units analysed are derived from common nouns; formations from proper names ...
Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domains have two types of names: Domain Name System (DNS) names and NetBIOS names. In general, both names are visible to end users. The DNS names of Active Directory domains include two parts, a prefix and a suffix. When creating domain names, ...
Realm names can be presented in the user name as a prefix or as a suffix:Example\user1. In this example, the realm name Example is a prefix; and it is also the name of a Windows NT 4.0 domain. In this example, the realm name is a suffix; and it...
The AssistantNames element specifies an array of assistant names and the identifiers of their source attributions for the associated persona.XML Copy <AssistantNames> <StringAttributedValue></StringAttributedValue> </AssistantNames> ArrayOfStringAttributedValuesType...
That’s it. Again,no space, no accents, no fancy-schmancy anything.But behold, some of these have a special meaning. The Underscore The underscore_is used for ligatures. The underscore connects the names of the glyphs that are connected by the ligature. So, the parts between the underscore...
In 2021, the members of the ICSP accepted a proposal to include the rank of phylum in the ICNP6. The emended Rule 8 states that the name of a phylum is formed by the addition of the suffix -otato the stem of the name of the designated type genus. This opened the way to the valid...
It is possible to rename the columns with a prefix and/or a suffix: pick pfx/foo:bar:zut:'num\d+':'yay\d+'/sfx::__^1,add < data.txt pick foo:bar:zut:'num\d+':'yay\d+'/sfx::__^1,add < data.txt pick pfx/foo:bar:zut:'num\d+':'yay\d+'/::__^1,add < data.tx...
This question involves several aspects, such as names having meaning, names involving the aspirations of the name-giver, and other reasons for choosing a name. Javanese parents generally highly value having children in the family. For the Javanese, children are a gift from God and it is the ...
A common mineral in meteorites, enstatite was given its name for its resistance to high temperatures and its ability to maintain its refractive index under extreme heat. Due to this property, the Greek enstates, meaning 'resistance', was combined with the suffix -ite to denote it as a miner...
(Fig.2). We give an overview of using the bear as a prefix in Eurasian folk plant names (sometimes it is not a prefix but just a word meaning ‘bear’ or ‘little bear’ used as a metaphorical name). The names belonging to the official nomenclature were not analysed, unless they ...