SpecialBaby NamesThatMean Death What Names Mean Darkness And Death? Ajal (Arabicboy name) –“Death,”“destiny,” or “a specific period and hour of death” Akuji (Americanboy name) – It’s an inventedname meaning“dead and awake”; created for the video game “Akuji: The Heartless.”...
Meaning: "defending men" Description: Alec, though an old nickname for Alexander, is much fresher sounding than Alex, with the additional advantage, at least to some parents, of being distinctly male (there are as many girl Alexes these days as there are boys). While Alec has a clipped ...
German Boys' First Names - Vornamen Symbols used: Gr. (Greek), Lat. (Latin), OHG (Old High German), Sp. (Spanish). Gott-names - In the era of Pietism (17th/18th century) it was popular to create German male names withGott(God) plus a pious adjective.Gotthard("God" and "hard")...
Osiris (Egyptian boy name) –“Powerful” or “mighty”; after Osiris, after the Egyptian god of life, fertility, resurrection, the afterlife, the dead and death, and agriculture (also a name that means “death”) Perseus (Greek boy name) –“To destroy”; after Perseus, the Greek mythol...
Male Spanish Names [Suggest Namesfor this page ] [ Go toFemale Spanish Names] [1][2] [3] AARÓN: Spanish form of EnglishAaron, meaning "light-bringer." ABELARDO: Spanish form of LatinAbelardus, meaning "noble strength." ABRAÁM: Old Spanish form of LatinAbrahamus, meaning "father of...
A little-known term for a male hawk istiercel(pronounced \TEER-suhl\), from the Latin word meaning “third,” possibly because the male hawk is one-third smaller than the female. Dove The peace-loving word that corresponds to the warmongeringhawkisdove, defined as “an opponent of war.”...
Death Names Life Names r slash tragedeigh Instead of Nora . . . Names for kind characters Alternatives to Avery Alternatives to Abigail Alternatives to Maeve Alternatives to Aurelia Really Good Names Like Really Good Trust Me Faves of the Top 100 Personal Favorites of 1950 Alternatives to Layl...
In the bible, this is the name of an Israelite who stole forbidden items during the assault on Jericho, for which he was stoned to death. ACIE: Pet form of English Ace, meaning "number one." ACKE: Short form of English Ackerley, meaning "oak meadow." Compare with another form of ...
embodying the protectiveness and wisdom of guardian angels. 11.Adathan.Adathan is an uncommon boys’ name found in Mandaeism that belongs to a guardian angel who stands at the Gate of Life. 12.Azrael.Known in various traditions as the angel of death, this male angel name has a significan...
146.Cepheus. Cepheus was originally derived from the Greek myth of King Cepheus, who was turned into a constellation by Zeus after his death. The name can also be shortened to the nickname Ceph. 147.Dorado. ThisSpanish boys’ namebelongs to a constellation in the Southern Sky. This constella...