For many Xbox gamers, being skilled at a particular game is not enough bragging rights. They want their opponents to know they are the best before the multiplayer game begins. One of the best ways to do this is to have TryHard gamertag usernames. The problem is, it’s not easy to com...
Whatever it is, we have some more PS4 Gamertag ideas for more inspiration: So here are some of our favorite PS4 gamertags to get you started! VibrantViper ThunderTiger SuperSpeedster PowerMage DarkStriker MarvelousMarauder SavageScoundrel DaredevilDaredevil BravestBrawler MysticMercenary Fearless...
Don’t understand why you would want to call yourself transgirl in your gamertag in the first place, it does nothing good for you, it only exposes you to people that have issues with it.I also don’t call myself bornheteroman matze or dad of two children Matze, there is no benefit ...
The Bungie and Activision title nears closer to its BETA release and a recent blog reveals your guardians names are tied down to your PSN/Xbox gamertags News within and around Destiny has been coming thick and fast, from the official community spokesman to user based digging. I’ve decided t...
Same goes for gamertags. We never had to reserve a unique nickname for our NESs, 64s, or Genesises… Genesi. Now, our entire online console gaming lifestyle depends on our gamertag. Do you really think those are all going to be scrapped anytime soon to make way for a new service?