Besalisk name generator, Star Wars. 100,000's of combinations are possible, you're bound to find one you like.
Gen'dai name generator, Star Wars. 1000's of combinations are possible, you're bound to find one you like.
For over a decade, this iconic game has turned students into stealth operatives, blending creativity, wit, and tactical brilliance. But here’s the secret most teams miss:Your name isn’t just a label—it’s a weapon. According to a 2023National Student Gaming Survey, teams with clever, in...
Star Wars Names v2 is a Node.js package that provides a collection of Star Wars character names for use in your projects. Package Setup Set your npm package configuration: npmsetinit-author-name'Shohin Abdulkhamidov'npmsetinit-author-email''npmsetinit-author-url'https://...
Fantasy Space Names For Girls Aldea – Planet name in the “Star Trek” series Alderaan – Planet name in the “Star Wars” series; home planet of the main character Princess Leia Organa Gamora – Green-skinned alien superheroine in the Marvel Universe series Leia (Hebrew and Hawaiian name)...
Darling cracks at code-names from Star Wars mandrakeRICHARD EDEN
01:22:41 Star Wars Unlimited News 01:34:35 Outro Yes we have been around for twelve years and there is nothing stopping us now. Well, server crashes, hacking of the site, strife among hosts, those might but we are still here. I wondered if we would make it to 10 years, but we ...
Description: Returns a single, unique Star Wars character name. Usage: const { random } = require('all-starwars-names'); console.log(random()); Contributing If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitH...
《星球大战系统名称 - 精选》mod将原版《恒星霸主》的星球名称替换为经过精选的《星球大战》遗产系统名称。我筛选了不常见、无聊或稀有的系统名称,以更加容易辨识的《星球大战》地点名称取而代之 - 适用于原版游戏中任何规模的星系(最多1000个系统)。 它还将星云和黑洞名称替换为正典或接近正典的名称。
This may seem like nothing more than a subtle dig at the chances of Star Wars: The Force Awakens sucking, but there's a hidden truth there; Guardians Of The Galaxy is going to be hard to beat. Lucas Lucre Star Wars Episode VII: The One That Will Be Totally Different On Remastered DVD...